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    "batchcomplete": "",
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            "391": {
                "pageid": 391,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Red Candle",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "{{TB\n|intent=Utility\n|form=Magical Item\n|field1=Fire\n|PWC=C\n|cost=1}}\nA '''Red Candle''' is composed of white wax that never melts, and a wick which never burns out, both of which sit upon a golden stand.  The flame that lights the wick can be manifested or extinguished with nothing but the holder's willpower.  By thrusting the candle forward while it is lit, the user can produce a secondary flame.  This new flame is larger in size, comparable in size to a [[Hylian]] child.  This flame hovers forward a short distance to float in mid-air for several seconds, before extinguishing.  Like a normal fire, this requires oxygen to burn, but needs no solid material.\n\n{{Canon|The Legend of Zelda}}\n{{clear}}\n==Augment==\n{{TB\n|title=Everasting Flame\n|augment=yes\n|PWC=C\n|cost=1\n|field1=Summon}}\n{{Augment|Everlasting Flame}}  A Red Candle with this augment can create a hovering flame which persists until it runs out of oxygen, or the candle is used to summon a new flame.  If several flames exist simultaneously, only the most recently summoned one will be everlasting."
            "479": {
                "pageid": 479,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Red Potion",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "{{TB\n|intent=Defensive\n|form=Organic Item\n|field1=Heal\n|field2=PerQuest\n|field3=Potion\n|set=60}}\n{{Set|90}}\nA '''Red Potion''', or '''Heart Potion''', is a small container of red fluid with mystical properties.  When the potion is consumed, the drinker will be immediately revitalized and healed of all non-fatal physical injuries, but not afflictions such as poisons, diseases, or curses.\n\nNormally, this is indeed only one {{Field|Potion}}, and as such it can only be drunk once [[:Category:PerQuest Field|per quest]].  Acquiring multiple Red Potions enables someone to drink multiple potions per quest, however.\n\nA sufficiently skilled [[Botanist]] can brew one Red Potion using 3 [[Gasha Seed]]s, 3 [[Boko Baba Seed]]s, and 3 [[Breath Seed]]s.\n{{clear}}\n==Trivia==\n* The Red Potion is considered a counterpart to the [[Green Potion]].\n* {{Canon|The Legend of Zelda}}\n{{clear}}\n\n\n{{choice}}"