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Frock of Flames
Type Major Utility Spell
Fields Empower, Fire, Travel
Requires Fire Enchantment
Cost 200 rupees

Frock of Flames is a spell most often associated with that of Din, as the few users of this spell are often seen as devout worshipers of her. This is a Major treasure. A character who has never gained a Major treasure may gain this treasure normally. Otherwise, the character must first acquire Major Gain specifically to gain this treasure.

The user has gained the ultimate prowess over the Fire Enchantment spell, and is now able to use a more powerful version of the spell. Now able to use the full strength of Fire, the user can now use the Fire Enchantment spell much more freely. This treasure allows the Fire Enchantment to be cast on any part of the user's body. Additionally, the Fire Enchantment Spell is capable of explosions, instead of simply igniting the affected area. Upon impact, the Fire Enchantment will explode with a blast of fire, equivalent to the strength of half a bomb. The user is not affected by these explosions. This applies to areas struck by one's own body, a held weapon, or even a projectile.

Cast as a spell, Frock of Flames surrounds the user's body with burning fires. While moving, the caster may choose to ignite their steps, creating a blazing trail in their wake. The Fire spell, when used under the effects of this spell, doubles in size and speed. Additionally, any contact with the caster's body will result in severe burns, as if they were a Subrosian. However, while under the effects of Frock of Flames, the spell caster may only cast the spells Fire Enchantment, the Fire spell, or any spell otherwise relating to fire. Other treasures, such as skills, items, or techniques, are unaffected by this and may be used.


  • The Frock of Flames treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to WillowtheWhisp.
  • Similar treasures enabling one to cloak himself in ice and wind are the Cowl of Cold and Gear of Gales.
Major Treasures
Power Cannon Shout · Din's Lance · Fell Transformation · Giant's Mask · Powder Keg Supply · Ring of Deuce · Rising Tiger · Vampirism
Wisdom Ice Shell · Life · Magic Volley · Nayru's Love · Raise Dead · Summon Phantom · Thunder · Twister · Void Wave · Wizzwarp
Courage Bunny Hood · Leap · Magic Cape · Portal Bracers · Possession · Propel · Song of Soaring
Control Earth Control · Fire Control · Water Control · Wood Control
Medallions Bombos Medallion · Ether Medallion · Quake Medallion
Set Cost Cowl of Cold · Dark Affinity · Event Horizon · Frock of Flames · Gear of Gales · Great Flying Machine · Huge Potential · Jewel of Control · Mask Collector