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#REDIRECT [[Rage]]
'''Inner Fire''' is an offensive technique which empowers it users.  At will, the user releases her emotions and restraints, and embraces her carnal self.  While under the effects of Inner Fire, the user is immune to fear and mental incapacitation, negating the effects of magic and drugs in her system, and even losing the capacity to be negatively affected by pain.  While in this state, she may find her strength and reflexes pushed to the brink of her capability, drawing everything that she has at once.  Any injuries taken in this state remain after it ends.  Inner Fire can last up to a minute's time, and after its use, the user is filled with overwhelming fatigue that lasts at least an hour, and cannot be healed by [[:Category:Spells|spells]] or other treasure effects.  While so fatigued, Inner Fire cannot be used.

Latest revision as of 18:35, 23 October 2013

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