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#REDIRECT [[Compaction Seed (material)]]
|form=Organic Item
A '''Compaction Seed''', tiny in size, is intended to be used as a [[material]] by a skilled [[Crafting|crafter]].  However, it does have an effect on its own as a {{Field|SingleUse}} treasure.  When the seed is swallowed whole, the one who swallowed it will abruptly be shrunk down to the size of a [[Picori]]--akin to an insect--and remain in that state for a day's time.
With one Compaction Seed, properly treated and cultivated, a skilled [[Crafting|botanist]] can create a [[Compaction Juice Supply]] or a [[Compaction Bud]].  Alternatively, a Compaction Seed can be spliced with any other botanist materials which can be used to create a juice or potion.  In this way, the resulting mixture gains the effects of the Compaction Juice Supply, as well as the appropriate effects of the other botanist materials used.
Alternatively, a skilled blacksmith or woodworker can use a Compaction Seed to apply the effects to an item crafted with it.  By crushing the seed into an oil and adding it during the crafting process, the crafted item gains effects similar to that of the Compaction Seed itself.  At will, the wielder of the item may shrink the affected object to far lesser sizes, although generally no smaller than approximately the size of a [[Race:Hylian|Hylian]]'s hand.  The item will stop shrinking prematurely if it meets considerable resistance.
* The [[Compaction Thread]] is a material used by tailors, which has a similar shrinking effect.
* {{Original|creator=Guy}}

Latest revision as of 11:28, 26 December 2014