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Revision as of 06:11, 1 November 2015

Magic Volley
Type Major Offensive Spell
Fields Cut, Projectile
Cost Higher Cost

W5: 70 rupees
W4: 85 rupees
W3: 100 rupees
W2: 115 rupees
W1: 130 rupees

Magic Volley is an offensive spell used to manifest numerous magical, armor-ignoring darts to be launched at enemies. This is a Major treasure. A character who has never gained a Major treasure may gain this treasure normally. Otherwise, the character must first acquire Major Gain specifically to gain this treasure.

If the user already knows Magic Dart, the cost of this spell is reduced by two categories, down to Normal Cost.

To use Magic Volley, the user must be stationary on the ground. They must put their hands together as if holding a sphere the size of a grapefruit and concentrate for ten seconds. A ball of raw magical energy will form during this time. The caster then must thrust their hands forward- upon doing so literally hundreds of Magic Darts will begin spewing forth from the sphere and in the general direction the caster is facing. Magic Darts are comparable in size and power to blow-darts, travel at roughly the same speed, cannot be launched very far, and do relatively little damage on their own unless they struck a vulnerable spot such as an eye. They are inherently somewhat inaccurate, akin to firing a weapon from the hip. Immediately after a dart strikes an object, it vanishes from existence. However, Magic Darts pass right through any unnatural defenses--armor and magical barriers--but strike any part of a living animal, undead animal, or plant as normal. Magic Darts can still be reflected by Mirror Shield, Nayru's Affection, and other Projectile-reflecting treasures.

Magic Volley's rate of fire is approximately one hundred darts per second, for a total of ten seconds. The spell is totally inaccurate at ranges larger than ten meters, but within that range the majority of the darts can be expected to hit somewhere on the target--assuming it is no larger than a Hylian. The darts are no more powerful than before, but being hit by hundreds of them is similar to being stung by an entire swarm of bees. The caster may not move from their initial position while casting Magic Volley, but they are capable of turning in place. While casting this spell, the caster will experience an extreme but non-damaging burning sensation for several minutes after casting it, and cannot cast it again until the sensation dissipates.


  • Magic Volley can be seen as a less powerful, less costly version of this spell.
  • The Magic Volley treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Cataphrotchi.