Piece of Power

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Piece of Power
Type Offensive Magical Item
Fields Empower, SingleUse
Cost 5 rupees

A Piece of Power can either be used as an empowering SingleUse treasure which is consumed with a single use, or as a material to be used by a Blacksmith to forge a weapon.

A Piece of Power is a small golden triangle which some believe is a variation of Force Gem, while others believe is a shard spread throughout Hyrule when the Triforce was first created. By activating one of these pieces--by either consuming it, throwing it on the ground, squeezing it in one's palm, or something else entirely--the user is surrounded in an aura that doubles the damage he deals with physical weapons for several minutes. This does not affect the damage from spells, but does affect techniques. After the effect ends, the piece's glow fades and it turns to ash. The effect does not stack with multiple uses.

A skilled Blacksmith is capable of forging a weapon which can use this empowering effect repeatedly. Only when at least ten separate pieces (for a total cost of 50 rupees) are gathered can they be properly formed into a powerful metal commonly referred to as a "Plate of Power." This plate could then be refined into metal for a weapon. When the wielder of such a weapon focuses their willpower into the weapon, the normal Piece of Power effect is activated, doubling the damage dealt from that weapon for several minutes at a time. Once this effect is used, the weapon's metal will seem to dim for several hours, preventing the empowering effect from being used again for the duration.


A Razor Seed can be obtained in place of a Piece of Power, for the same cost.

A single Razor Seed is small in size, and appears as a fruit resembling a fist. One can be activated in the same way as a Piece of Power, and has a seemingly identical effect. It, too, is a SingleUse treasure. However, it is an organic item instead of a magical item. Unlike a Piece of Power, it is part of the Seed field.


  • Piece of Power and Razor Seed can be seen as offensive counterparts to the defensive Guardian Acorn and Armor Seed.
  • The Piece of Power treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Link's Awakening. More information about the canonical version of this treasure can likely be found on Zelda Wiki. A Razor Seed initially appears cannonically in Four Swords.
