Language of Fauna

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Language of Fauna
Type Utility Spell
Fields Communicate, Forest, Kokiri
Cost High Cost

C5: 55 rupees
C4: 65 rupees
C3: 75 rupees
C2: 85 rupees
C1: 95 rupees
Rent: 15 rupees

Language of Fauna is a utility spell, and a racial perk for both Kokiri and Picori. As such, a member of either race can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation. If a Kokiri or Picori chooses to gain this perk at some point after creation, the treasure costs 15 rupees less than the listed price. Other races acquire this treasure normally.

Due to their unique physiology and origins, both Kokiri and Picori are often capable of communicating with all forms of animal life--from cockroaches to squids to horses. Picori This is done through a silent method of communication not unlike telepathy, and can be done over maximum distance of about 12 feet (or 4 meters). It takes a Kokiri or Picori only a few moments to establish a link to a creature, whereas any other race requires at least a minute of meditation. Once the caster has established a link with this spell, the target can communicate back in the same fashion so long as the caster mentally maintains the channel and stays within distance. The caster can also function as a line between two animals otherwise unable to communicate.

The depth of articulation a creature can provide by this spell depends roughly on its level of intelligence. An insect, for example, may be unable to describe anything, but offer the caster basic emotions and senses it has felt recently. A horse, as a highly intelligent animal, will likely be able to describe events it observed yesterday fairly well. Creatures already capable or nearly capable of speech, such as apes, can of course articulate their thoughts extremely well.


  • Like this treasure enables communication with all animals, Don Gero's Mask enables communication with only reptiles, and Language of Flora grants communication with plants.
  • The Language of Fauna treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in The Minish Cap.

Racial Perks
Kokiri Eternal Youth (Innate) · Deku Nut Supply · Fairy Companion · Heart of the Forest · Language of Fauna · Navigation · Valiance
Picori Foreign Language (Innate) · Gnat Hat · Huge Potential · Jabber Nut · Kinstone Collector · Language of Fauna · Lost and Found · Minish Veil
Universal Adventure Pouch · Bonus Treasure · Business · Exception · Rupee Riches · Specialty · Unusual Background3