Fairy Split

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Fairy Split
Type Defensive Spell
Fields Fairy, Transform
Cost Higher Cost

C5: 70 rupees
C4: 85 rupees
C3: 100 rupees
C2: 115 rupees
C1: 130 rupees
Rent: 15 rupees

Fairy Split is a defensive spell, and a exclusive racial perk for Great Fairies. As such, a Great Fairy can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation, but in doing so, it counts as two racial perks, occupying two "slots". Since this is an exclusive perk, other races cannot acquire it as a treasure.

Great Fairies tend to have an innate defensive mechanism used to help preserve their lives in times of crisis. When taking any sort of moderately injuring blow, a Great Fairy may choose to split into 6 small "Stray Fairies." These Stray Fairies are all share the Great Fairies' will and intelligence, but act indepedently of one another. They lack almost any physical strength, lack hands capable of manipulating objects, and are incapable of using any treasures. The Stray Fairies will float as if using the hover spell, regardless of if the Great Fairy has the ability.

After a few minutes have passed after being separated, if at least half of these Stray Fairies are within 6 feet (2 meters) one another and the Great Fairy wills it, they will reform into her Great Fairy form. For each missing Stray Fairy upon reforming, the Great Fairy will receive the effects, partially, of whatever attack caused her to split, with the degree increasing per missing Stray Fairy. If there are less than 3 Stray Fairies, the Great Fairy cannot reform. Any Stray Fairies not in the initial reform can automatically recombine with the Great Fairy at any time afterwards, however this will not heal any damage incurred by missing Stray Fairies. So long as a Great Fairy hasn't recovered all the strays, however, she cannot use this ability again. Regardless of how quickly the strays reform, this ability cannot be used more than once an hour.

A Great Fairy can recover any missing Stray Fairies by resting for an extended period of time in any Fairy Fountain.


  • The Fairy Split treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Majora's Mask. More information about the canonical version of this treasure can likely be found on Zelda Wiki.
  • This technique can be seen as a variation on Split, with longer-lasting effects.

Racial Perks
Great Fairy Fairy Magic (Innate) · Fairy Spell · Fairy Split2 · Fairy Tears · Four-Armed2 · Gift of Light · Hover · Language of Flora · Magic Proficiency · Tiny Fairy
Universal Adventure Pouch · Bonus Treasure · Business · Exception · Rupee Riches · Specialty · Unusual Background3