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Type Major Offensive Spell
Fields Wind
Cost Highest Cost

W5: 90 rupees
W4: 110 rupees
W3: 130 rupees
W2: 150 rupees
W1: 170 rupees

Twister is a devastating powerful but uncontrollable spell. Casting it takes approximately ten seconds of extreme focus. This is a Major treasure. A character who has never gained a Major treasure may gain this treasure normally. Otherwise, the character must first acquire Major Gain specifically to gain this treasure.

Once cast, a tornado-like twister will take roughly a minute to completely form and touch down at whatever location the caster was when the spell finished. When fully formed, the cyclone reaches heights of about 20 feet (or 6 meters). The winds are considerably dangerous, though on their own are incapable of causing damage beyond mild cuts. The sheer force however can bring even objects as heavy as Gorons and Darknuts airborne, and is able to destroy common buildings. The caster himself is not affected by the winds, but cannot control their strength or direction, and thus may be subject to objects flung by the winds. Any other individuals are affected by the winds, whether the caster wills it or not.

The twister's initial direction (if any) can be designated by the caster, but he can otherwise not control its actions. He can cause it to end prematurely by canceling the spell, though the tornado will still persist up to a minute after being canceled. If left unchecked, the tornado lasts for 15 minutes, after which the weather will calm.

Normally, another Twister cannot be created for an hour after it dissipates. With one level of Magic Power it can be summoned again after 40 minutes; with two levels it can be summoned after 20 minutes.


  • The Twister treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Eevachu.
  • Notably, the spell known as Calm Weather can nullify the effects of Twister instantly, and can do so before Twister even truly begins.