Crimson Granite (material)

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Crimson Granite
Type Utility Magical Item
Fields Empower, WeaponBase
Cost variable rupees

Crimson Granite is a crafting material that can be used by Weaponsmiths to create a melee weapon, or by Outfitters to create gauntlets. On its own, Crimson Granite appears as a small crimson granite crystal teeming with magical energies, with the durability of iron.

When crafted into a fine weapon, the crafted implement gains a new magical property and a deep crimson coloring--unless dyed otherwise. The ability to cast a single, predefined Spell is imbued into this implement, allowing whoever wields this implement to cast the spell, following all of the rules and limitations the spell normally has.

When crafting this weapon, the blacksmith may also imbue levels of Magic Power into the weapon, with cost depending on the crafter's Wisdom. This imbued power only applies to the spell applied to the weapon, since the Magic Power is in the weapon, not the wielder. Consequently, this form of Magic Power ignores the standard rule of Magic Power becoming ineffective while the wielder is in heavy armor.

If the crafter doesn't know the spell to be imbued, the cost of Crimson Granite equals the cost of that spell. If the crafter does know the proper spell, then the cost becomes 2 cost levels lower than the cost of that spell. (For example, a Higher cost Wisdom-based spell can be acquired as a Normal cost Wisdom-based Crimson Granite.) Cost level cannot be reduced below "Lowest." Each level of Magic Power can be added for a standard cost of 10 rupees.


  • The Crimson Granite (material) treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Eevachu.
  • This material's effect is similar to that of Memory Metal.