Cannon Shout

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This content is a tentative addition to Hyrule Castle, and is still undergoing revision. It is not yet available to player-characters.
Cannon Shout
Type Major Offensive Technique
Fields Force, Projectile
Cost Highest Cost

P5: 90 rupees
P4: 110 rupees
P3: 130 rupees
P2: 150 rupees
P1: 170 rupees

Power Shot is a powerful offensive technique. This is a Major treasure. A character who has never gained a Major treasure may gain this treasure normally. Otherwise, the character must first acquire Major Gain specifically to gain this treasure.

To use this technique, the user must thrust both hands together in front of his body while shouting. Using this technique causes a spherical object slightly larger than the user's head to launch forward from his hands, with the density of a cannonball, and the speed of such a ball being launched out of a canon. The object normally appears as a faintly glowing orb of white or cyan color. The user is able to perform a Power Shot as often as he is able to thrust his hands and shout.

The cost category of this technique can be reduced if the user already has specific treasures. This spell's cost cannot be reduced below lowest, and despite its cost it will always be treated as a Major treasure. For each of the following treasures the user possesses, Power Shot's cast category is reduced one step:

Elemental Variants