Fell Transformation

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Fell Transformation
Type Major Offensive Spell
Fields Empower, Shadow, Transform
Cost Highest Cost

P5: 90 rupees
P4: 110 rupees
P3: 130 rupees
P2: 150 rupees
P1: 170 rupees

Fell Transformation is a powerful offensive spell. This is a Major treasure. A character who has never gained a Major treasure may gain this treasure normally. Otherwise, the character must first acquire Major Gain specifically to gain this treasure.

Whenever he is filled with adrenaline, the caster may transform into a bestial creature twice his size which represents his inner rage, evil intentions, and malevolence. This transformation takes several seconds to complete and releases so much magical energy that the user is almost invulnerable during the transformation process. While the bestial creature cannot use items or its normal weapons, it is exceptionally powerful, with increased strength and resistance to most forms of damage. Additionally, the creature's spells and techniques are noticeably more powerful; they are enhanced with longer ranges or area of effect, where applicable.

This creature possesses a glowing spot on either its face, chest, or tail (if it has one). Any damage to the weak spot would act as if the caster had sustained it in his original form, and offensive Light-based attacks are twice as effective on this spot, as if the user was undead or possessed a Dark Affinity. Too much damage to the weak spot will end the transformation early, which would normally last a few minutes, or until the caster wills it to stop. Whenever he transforms back, the caster is left exhausted, and loses the ability to use any spells or techniques until he's had a decent night's rest and time to mentally recover.


The Fell Transformation treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Ocarina of Time. This spell is based on Ganondorf's canonical ability to transform into Ganon.

Major Treasures
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