Void Wave

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Void Wave
Type Major Offensive Spell
Fields Electric, Projectile
Requires Fire, Ice, Magic Bolt, Wind, Shadow Ball, or Holy Bolt
Cost Lowest Cost

75: 10 rupees
74: 15 rupees
73: 20 rupees
72: 25 rupees
71: 30 rupees

Void Wave, also known as Black Hole Attack, is a powerful offensive spell. This is a Major treasure. A character who has never gained a Major treasure may gain this treasure normally. Otherwise, the character must first acquire Major Gain specifically to gain this treasure.

To cast it, the caster stands (or hovers) in place, while gathering his magic into a large sphere overhead. This takes a few seconds, during which the sphere visibly sparks and grows with immense magic power, growing so large it can barely fit between the caster's palms. When the mass is thrown, it abruptly splits into numerous smaller glowing projectile spheres (usually about a dozen of them), which fly erratically and at different speeds towards the intended target, with the average speed being comparable to a fastball. Because the projectiles home in on the targeted area from different angles and at different speeds, it is virtually impossible to deflect them with items like Mirror Shield or spells like Nayru's Affection. One proven method is using a Spin Attack with a weapon forged from Mirror Silver, effectively covering all of the defender's sides for several seconds. Dodging the bolts entirely is another possibility, but can be difficult in of itself due to the speed of which they travel and the area which they cover. The shooting spheres themselves will electrically shock the target individually, each landing with force comparable to a strong punch. The projectiles can travel up to approximately 10 meters (or 30 feet) before harmless dissipating.

The default projectiles of this spell mimic Magic Bolt in their electrical nature. The caster can replace these projectiles with the projectiles produced from Fire, Ice, Wind, Shadow Ball, or Holy Bolt, if he has the appropriate spell. He can even combine different spells to create a combination of different projectiles.

Normally, the caster can cast Void Wave once every 90 seconds. With one level of Magic Power, the caster can do so every 30 seconds. With two levels, it can be done every 10 seconds.


The Void Wave treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Ocarina of Time. In this game, it is one of the attacks used by Ganondorf.