Adhesion Coating (material)

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Adhesion Coating
Type Defensive Magical Item
Fields Disable
Cost 20 rupees

Adhesion Coating is a fluid material which can be imbued by an Outfitter and Weaponsmith into any item he or she can craft.  The coating itself appears as a pale red substance with a consistency similar to gelatin.  When this fluid is worked into an item, however, that item gains a phenomenal property.

Whenever the wearer or wielder of the item shouts a specific phrase, such as, "Adhesion," the item instantly becomes extremely adhesive. This adhesion is significantly stronger than common glue, as it can stick to any dry surface, even smooth metal, and is virtually impossible to pry off without the effect of a strength-enhancing effect, such as a Razor Seed or in some cases a Power Bracelet.  Notably, any water or water-like fluid is capable of nullifying the surface's adhesion--as it can't stick to anything unless dry.  While the item is adhesive, the wielder can utter any phrase to cause it to return to its normal state, unsticking from any object it may currently be stuck on.  This phrase may be the same as the triggering phrase, or a different one.

If an item has several completely separate parts--such as two gloves in a set of, or numerous arrows in a--the different parts may have different triggering phrases.


  • Several other treasures can cause more permanent adhesion, including Skulltula Paste.
  • The Adhesion Coating (material) treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Guy.