Shock Beetle

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Shock Beetle
Type Offense Technique
Fields Control, Disable, Electric, Forest, WeaponBase
Cost Low Cost

C5: 30 rupees
C4: 35 rupees
C3: 40 rupees
C2: 45 rupees
C1: 50 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

Shock Beetle is an offensive technique which can be used to launch a beetle of energy at foes. By extending, swinging, or thrusting a limb, weapon, or other instrument, the user can unleash a sparking beetle of energy, its hue varying with the user but typically taking on a golden-brown color. It arcs forward at rapid speeds to a point designated on use within a 15 foot (or 10 meter) radius of the user. Though this beetle inflicts no physical damage to anything it strikes, upon contacting any object or individual, the target will feel momentarily dazed, as if they were electrocuted by a mild current, and struck with a strong blow. The target may find it more difficult to hold their grip or perform complicated moments momentarily as well, akin to receiving a violent shock.

The beetle moves at the targeted destination at a swift pace, and while the user can determine its trajectory to a certain degree(such as making it arc multiple times or having it circle around an object in the way), its path cannot be determined finely and cannot be controlled once cast. Upon colliding with a physical object, the beetle will dissipate. This technique can be used every 20 seconds.


This treasure is a Twist. It is a variant on a treasure, Beetle, modified by The Twister, and is not normally obtainable.