Charmed Speech

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Charmed Speech
Type Utility Technique
Fields Communicate, Control
Cost High Cost

C5: 55 rupees
C4: 65 rupees
C3: 75 rupees
C2: 85 rupees
C1: 95 rupees
Rent: 15 rupees

Charmed Speech represents a particular mixture of magic or persuasion. With it, the user may utter a phrase specific to the user. When the user speaks these words while making eye contact with a being who understands him, the target being will be compelled to trust and believe the user for several seconds. The effectiveness of this technique depends largely on the willpower, sympathy, and attitude of the target. A sympathetic recipient who already wants to please the user will do virtually anything the user asks, so long as it doesn't strongly conflict with the being's moral compass. Reversely, a recipient who would rather see the user dead than alive won't be affected. In general, an average stranger can be compelled to do small favors like providing guidance, or offering simple services.

After the initial few seconds pass, any state of mind received by the recipient will be kept. If told to do a chore, the recipient will continue to do the chore. After the effects of Charmed Speech subside, however, the recipient may suspect that he or she has been compelled (particularly if the recipient was compelled to act differently than normal), and take appropriate measures. Like all mind-controlling effects, the use of Charmed Speech is considered a crime in Hyrule, by some more so than others.

The Charmed Speech treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Tsubori.