Shield Breaker

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Shield Breaker
Type Offensive Technique
Fields Cut, Disable, WeaponBase
Cost High Cost

P5: 55 rupees
P4: 65 rupees
P3: 75 rupees
P2: 85 rupees
P1: 95 rupees
Rent: 15 rupees

Shield Breaker is a powerful technique which cannot be blocked, but can otherwise be evaded. To use it, the user concentrates all of his power into either his fist or a melee weapon for two seconds, then unleashes it with a vicious force. While the attack is a strong one, it is not noticeably more potent than a mundane body blow against an unarmed combatant. What makes this technique unique is that it devastates any form of barrier normally capable of warding attack. This includes, shields, armor, parrying weapons, magical screens, and more--anything that attempts to prevent entry to damage dealt by the user's force is obliterated on impact. Cutting or piercing weapons will penetrate any material, even the thickest armor crafted from Goron Iron, as it was made of butter. Blunt weapons, by contrast, will have the full force of their impact felt on anything behind the blocking object; striking a shield would not harm the shield, but the bearer of that shield would feel a crippling blow to his arm.

For the purpose of other treasures, the offensive effect of Shield Breaker is treated as being as powerful as a Major treasure. It is important to remember that the damage felt by any creature directly is comparable to a normal attack. An attack using Shield Breaker is only extraordinary due to its ability to penetrate barriers.

The Shield Breaker treasure does not appear verbatim within the official Zelda series. However, it does appear in Super Smash Bros. Melee. In that game, it is a technique used by Marth and Roy.