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Twili is a playable race on Hyrule Castle. As one of the nine uncommon races, a player must either be a Veteran, or acquire a Race License specifically for this race to create a Twili character.

Canonically, Twili have only appeared in Twilight Princess.

Character Creation Brief

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A Twili begins with a PWC of 2/2/1 or 1/2/2. This starting PWC can be defied by using the Exception racial perk during character creation.

A Twili has an innate racial perk called Foreign Language, which grants it mastery over the Twilight language as well as the more common Hyrulean tongue. In addition to this, a Twili character can have up to three additional racial perks of choice. In addition to the general perks available to every race, a Picori can also choose from:

  • Heart of Darkness: a trait which makes it easier for the Twili to gain Shadow-based treasures
  • Jabber Nut: a useful nut which enables its eater to speak seemingly any known language
  • Magic Proficiency: a trait which enables the Twili to start with more Wisdom-based treasures
  • Nightvision: a useful ability enabling the Twili to see clearly in darkness
  • Shadow Ball: an offensive spell used to fire a projectile which deals Shadow-based damage
  • Split: a powerful defensive spell which can be used periodically to evade nearly any one attack; it uses up two racial perk "slots"

Recommended Origin

If you've never made a Twili character before, this example origin may provide inspiration for your character.

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While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's appearance and biology.

Twili mirror Hylians in the genders of their species, how they reproduce, and the rate at which they age and die. The body proportions and basic biology of these two races are fundamentally similar, but with starkly different colorations.

Twili overall have a shape very similar to that of Hylians, though they tend to be thinner and taller, with the main visual differences being in color. Overall, an adult Twili averages about 1 foot (or 30cm) taller than a Hylian, while weighing roughly the same. Some Twili seem to lack shaped ears entirely, only having small featureless holes to hear, but those who do have earns have the same characteristically pointed ears as Hylians.

A Twili's skin is always composed of two starkly different tones: solid black, and a pale gray-blue color. Exactly which parts of the body are which color vary from one Twili to the next, but generally the extremities tend towards black, while the face is most likely to be pale. Notably, the difference between the two colors is a stark, solid edge, and not a gradual shift of color. Many Twili have mysterious rune-like markings and patters on their body, which always glow a dim blue-green; these markings tend to be more common with spell-casters.

A Twili's facial features are usually similar to a Hylian's, albeit with eyes that are normally red, orange, or yellow. Some Twili lack irises altogether, having only a solid color visible across the entire eyeball. Occasionally, some Twili have other facial features that seem "alien" to Hyruleans, such as having extra folds at the corner of the mouth, having black lines across the face, or possessing naturally dark violet lips; mutations like these are the exception rather than the norm. It's nearly as common for a Twili to be naturally bald as it is for them to have hair, but those who do have hair always have a bright orange color to it.

Culture & History

While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's origins, development, and society.

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Playable Races
Common Hylian · Gerudo · Goron · Sea Zora · River Zora · Deku Scrub · Rito · Mogma · Kikwi · Korok · Kokiri · Anouki · Yeti · Moblin
Uncommon Tiny Fairy · Lizalfos · Stalfos · Skull Kid · Hinox · Tokay · Subrosian · Twili · Picori
Elite Darknut · Wizzrobe · Garo · Lynel · Great Fairy · Sheikah · Poe
Unusual Unusual Companion