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Sheikah is a playable race on Hyrule Castle. As one of the seven elite races, a player must acquire a Race License specifically for this race to create a Sheikah character.

Canonically, Sheikah have debuted in Ocarina of Time, and have since made reappearances in Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword.

Character Creation Brief

This page or section is a stub, and should soon be expanded with more information.

A Sheikah begins with a PWC of 1/1/3, having a 3 in Courage. This starting PWC can be defied by using the Exception racial perk during character creation, but even with it, a Sheikah can never be created with a Courage below 2.

A Shrikah has an innate racial perk called Foreign Language, which grants it mastery over the Ancient Hyrulean language as well as the more common Hyrulean tongue. In addition to this, a Sheikah character can have up to three additional racial perks of choice. In addition to the general perks available to every race, a Sheikah can also choose from:

  • Barrier: a defensive spell which creates a momentary barrier useful for blocking attacks
  • Deku Nut Supply: a supply of small nuts which can be thrown onto the ground to create blinding flashes, useful for creating a diversion
  • Hylian Heritage: enables the Sheikah to gain one racial perk that would otherwise be a Hylian racial perk
  • Mask of Truth: a strange but useful item which enables its wearer to speak with animals and Gossip Stones, among other effects
  • Needle Storm: a spell which enables the Sheikah to manifest large throwing needles useful for attacking in close combat or from a short distance
  • Pirate's Charm: a useful item which magically enables long distance communication between the Sheikah and the holder of this stone


While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's appearance and biology.

Physically, Sheikah are almost identical to Hylians, and are even capable of interbreeding with both Hylians and Gerudo. The steadfast difference is that a Sheikah's irises will always be red or crimson. A Sheikah will more likely be female, and a Sheikah seems to innately have a significantly higher willpower and motivation compared to the average Hylian.

Culture & History

While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's origins, development, and society.

This page or section is a stub, and should soon be expanded with more information.
Playable Races
Common Hylian · Gerudo · Goron · Sea Zora · River Zora · Deku Scrub · Rito · Mogma · Kikwi · Korok · Kokiri · Anouki · Yeti · Moblin
Uncommon Tiny Fairy · Lizalfos · Stalfos · Skull Kid · Hinox · Tokay · Subrosian · Twili · Picori
Elite Darknut · Wizzrobe · Garo · Lynel · Great Fairy · Sheikah · Poe
Unusual Unusual Companion