Pegasus Seed (material)

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Pegasus Seed
Type Utility Organic Item
Fields Empower, Seed, Time, Travel
Cost 3 rupees

A Pegasus Seed appears as a small fruit in a shape similar to a wing, either of a pale green or pale blue color. This single seed is pure and potent, and as such can be useful as a material to be used by a Botanist. By contrast, a Pegasus Seed Supply is a collection of less pure seeds which retain the same practical use, but cannot be grown and cultivated by a Botanist. Using just four of these potent seeds, a skilled Botanist can cultivate a Pegasus Seed Supply.

This seed's effect can be activated by ingesting it, or throwing it down at the user's feet. For the purposes of walking, jogging, running, sprinting, jumping, or swimming, the user's legs move at double their normal speed for approximately one minute. After this minute has passed, the user can activate another seed, but poses a significant risk of causing stomach cramps, stiff or numb legs, or other ailments from maintaining the unnaturally high speed. Generally, one should wait at least a minute after the last effect ends, to avoid these effects.

When used by a Botanist, these seeds are useful for creating an effect related to the Empower, Travel, or Time fields.

Seed Effects

By using three Shadow Seeds, along with at least three other seeds, a Botanist is able to create a Seed Supply with one of the following effects. These effects will combine with the effects of other seed types used as materials.

Effect Name Description of Effect
Pegasus The normal effect of a Pegasus Seed occurs.
Leap So long as one seed is held in the user's palm, his jumping ability is greatly enhanced. The user is capable of leaping roughly thrice his normal height, and thrice her normal distance. Strangely, this seems to have no effect on her weight nor on her leg muscles.
Blink When this seed impacts a physical object, that object blinks out of existence for a few seconds, before reappearing exactly where it was a moment ago. Strangely, this does not affect an object that is currently in contact with a living or undead creature--such as clothing, or a wielded weapon.
Stutter When this seed is eaten, the eater will move and act at half normal speed for three real seconds (or six slowed seconds). When this seed impacts an object, it creates a transparent bubble about three feet (or one meter) in diameter for three seconds; any creatures touching this bubble will move and act at half normal speed, until either the bubble disappears or they stop touching the bubble.
Motion Sense So long as one seed is held in the user's palm, that user will be able to sense movements in the air out to a radius of about 30 feet (or 10 meters). The sense is equivalent to sound in that a location of the movement can be discerned easily, and the nature of the movement can be understood, but finer details are lost.

Elixir Effects

Smoke Seeds can also be combined with specific quantities of other seeds to create a PerQuest Elixir with one of the following effects. As usual, the Botanist is able to produce multiple elixirs if her Botanist level is high enough.

Elixir Name Seeds Resulting Effect
Memory Tonic 1 Pegasus + 1 Hyoi After drinking this tonic, all of the user's physical sensations--sight, scent, sound, taste, and touch--will be recorded for up to a couple minutes' time, or until the user blinks--whichever occurs first. At the end of this period, the user vomits forth a small violet "Memory Pellet." Whoever later swallows this Memory Pellet will be lost in a trance as they experience the recorded sensations. This cannot transmit senses the recipient cannot understand--such as sight to someone who has never seen.
Echo Potion 2 Pegasus + 2 Breath After drinking this tonic, the user's voice will become extremely enhanced. Speaking at a normal tone will cause horrific noise. Shouting will cause sonic booms that may rupture glass or cause temporary deafness to unprotected ears. This effect lasts at most a couple minutes, and generally leaves the user's throat quite sore.
Eyebeam Potion 4 Pegasus + 4 Glow After drinking this potion, the user is able to magically fire bright, painfully hot laser beams from her eyes. If the user attempts to stare with the beams continuously for more than a few seconds, however, her eyes become irritated and she is force to blink repeatedly to remove the irritation. These beams have a nearly infinite range and reach their target almost immediately. However, the beams are not hot enough to sprout flames, and are almost always nonlethal. After a few minutes, the drinker will lose this ability.
Potion of Pep 4 Pegasus + 4 Crackle When this potion drunk, the user will feel a surge of alertness and energy. His speed and strength are practically doubled, and remain as such for up to a couple minutes. This is usually followed by a brief lethargic period.
Flight Potion 4 Pegasus + 4 Gale After drinking this potion, a pair of large, seemingly ethereal wings sprout from the drinker's back. The user is able to sustain flight with these wings for a span of couple minutes, and do so almost as well as a winged Rito. However, this two-minute span not necessarily be continuous. The user could, for instance, fly or glide for a few seconds at a time over the course of an hour.
Pegasus Potion 12 Pegasus Immediately after this potion is drunk, the drinker's body is visually surrounded in a faintly-glowing green veil that lasts for one to two minutes. For the duration of this effect, the user moves at double normal speed. Everything around them seems to be moving half as fast as normal, while they appear to be moving extraordinarily fast to everyone else.


  • The Pegasus Seed (material) treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. More information about the canonical version of this treasure can likely be found on Zelda Wiki.
  • Most Seed Effects and Elixir Effects are original creations of Hyrule Castle's members.

Botanist Seeds
Materials Armor · Baba · Bomb · Breath · Chill · Compact · Cloud · Crackle · Deku · Ember · Gasha · Gale · Glow · Hyoi · Magic · Pegasus · Razor · Scent · Smoke
Supplies Armor · Baba · Bomb · Breath · Chill · Compact · Cloud · Crackle · Deku · Ember · Gasha · Gale · Glow · Hyoi · Magic · Pegasus · Razor · Scent · Smoke