Dirge of the Deceased

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Dirge of the Deceased
Type Utility Song
Fields Communicate, Summon, Undead
Cost Lowest Cost

C5: 10 rupees
C4: 15 rupees
C3: 20 rupees
C2: 25 rupees
C1: 30 rupees
Rent: 5 rupees

Dirge of the Deceased is a mysterious song which enables communication with departed beings. After playing it for at least ten seconds, a spirit may be able to visit this plane of existence in an invisible or partially visible, ethereal form resembling its former body. The player cannot select which spirit visits him, but a spirit whom knows the player is more likely to appear. The player gains no particular control or influence over the spirit, but the spirit may choose to communicate with the player or other beings in the vicinity through speech or physical actions. Excluding special situations, the spirit only stays for a few minutes. Alternatively, the spirit may hear the player's summons, but choose to not respond, making the player seem a fool.

The effectiveness of Dirge of the Deceased seems to be reduced if it is played in succession. Generally, only one spirit can be summoned at a time, and a spirit will not manifest by the player's song if a spirit has previously manifested within the last hour.

The Dirge of the Deceased treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Terrel.