Feather Fall

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Feather Fall
Type Defensive Spell
Fields Force, Protect
Cost Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees
Rent: 5 rupees

Feather Fall is a defensive spell, which requires only a brief moment of concentration to cast while the caster is airborne. Once it is cast, the caster's magical powers are projected below him, his descent is slowed to a quarter of its normal acceleration and velocity. The spell's effect ends once the caster is no longer falling.


Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees

The user can gain the Communal augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time. A caster with this augment can grant the effects of Feather Fall to any other being in his line of vision, by momentarily focusing on the being, or by touching them.


The Feather Fall treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to WillowtheWhisp.