Raise Dead

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Raise Dead
Type Major Offensive Spell
Fields Control, Shadow, Undead
Cost Higher Cost

W5: 70 rupees
W4: 85 rupees
W3: 100 rupees
W2: 115 rupees
W1: 130 rupees

Raise Dead is a powerful, Major spell. To cast it, the caster must touch a corpse, and concentrate her magic into it for several consecutive minutes. This corpse must be mostly whole, and must have died in less than 24 hours. The dead body rises as an unthinking automaton, which is considered to now be an Undead being. The raised corpse will be extremely weak to Fire and will have a severe, instinctual fear of natural light and all Light-based treasures. This spell greatly increases the body's rate of decomposition, causing any raised body to decay apart completely after a maximum of two hours.

This undead will follow the caster's verbal commands to the best of its ability. It is unable to feel pain, making it particularly potent for many combatant tasks. However, the being also has reduced reaction time, speed, and dexterity. The being is incapable of using any actions which require sentient thought, as the force which now possesses it is equivalent to a beast acting on instincts and orders. Outside of these limitations, the undead being has all the capabilities of its former self.

This spell cannot affect any corpse that belonded to an undead being, will never affect the boss monster of a dungeon, and cannot effect other player-characters.

The Raise Dead treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Ultra5.