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Type Defensive Spell
Fields Empower, Force, Travel, Water
Cost Lower Cost

C5: 20 rupees
C4: 25 rupees
C3: 30 rupees
C2: 35 rupees
C1: 40 rupees
Rent: 5 rupees

Water-Walking, as its name suggests, is a spell which enables one to walk on water. By concentrating one's willpower into the soles of her feet or footwear, the user can easily walk (but not run) upon the surface of relatively calm water. Explicitly, at least part of one foot must always be in contact with the water to maintain the effect. Alternatively, the user can place both hands on another individual and grant the individual this ability instead. Once this spell is cast, it lasts for approximately 1 minute, or until the affected individual no longer touches water, but can be recast before that minute expires, requiring it to have regular maintenance to maintain over time. Normally, the caster can only maintain this effect on one individual at a time, and casting it on a new individual will immediately replace any previous effect in place.


Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees

The user can gain the Water-Running or Communal augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time.

A caster with Water-Running can enable herself, or any other being affected by the spell, to run or jump across the surface of water. So long as some part of the user's body, not even its feet, has made contact with water in the past few seconds, the effect can be maintained. Generally, making a high jump enables one to lose contact with the surface of water long enough to dive beneath it.

10 rupees

A caster with Communal can affect any number of beings with Water-Walking (or Water-Running, if she is able) simultaneously. However, each instance of the spell will still expire after 1 minute, as normal.


  • The Water-Walking treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Guy.