Sate Sash

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Sate Sash
Type Defensive Magical Item
Fields Bodygear, Empower, Protect
Cost Low Cost

P5: 30 rupees
P4: 35 rupees
P3: 40 rupees
P2: 45 rupees
P1: 50 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

The Sate Sash appears as a sash, cape, or scarf usually of a golden or brown color. For so long as it is worn, the user is fed a constant supply of nutrition from the sash, which causes them to never hunger nor have much need for food. For those unaccustomed to it, the sash feels inherently bland, and doesn't remove basic desire for solid sustance. It also doesn't remove the user's thirst or need for water to any extent.

For the sash to function, it must be exposed to direct sunlight for several hours at any point within the past day. If it is not allowed to absorb light, it will visibly grow pale, then a stark white, and its wearer will go hungry.

The sash's initial function is gradual, only slowly drawing in nutrients relevant to its wearer's needs, and as such its effects of ending hunger may not be felt for hours after it is first donned.


  • The Sate Sash treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Guy.