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Lizalfos is a playable race on Hyrule Castle. As one of the nine uncommon races, a player must either be a Veteran, or acquire a Race License specifically for this race to create a Lizalfos character. As one of the "monster" races, beings of this race are traditionally abhorred by Hylians, may be attacked on sight, and are generally not allowed anywhere near the settlements in Northern Hyrule, nor in Ruto.

Canonically, Lizalfos and Dinolfos first appeared in Ocarina of Time, followed by Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. Aeralfos, a variant of Lizalfos, also appeared in Twilight Princess. Geru, a creature greatly resembling a Lizalfos, debuted before all the others, making its sole canonical appearance in Adventure of Link.

Character Creation Brief

The first thing a Hylian would notice about a Lizalfos is, frankly, that it's a giant, walking, talking reptile with a tail which walks on its hind legs; its lanky body hunches over to match Hylian height. Indeed, the exotic and feral Lizalfos of Moruge Swamp are rarely greeted as friends in the land of Hyrule. Aside from their homeland, the only reliable refuges are among the accepting residents of Monster Village, or among lowlifes who work as thieves in places like the Forsaken Fortress or Lost Woods.

Despite their looks, Lizalfos are remarkably intelligent for a race of monsters. Without even leaving Moruge, most know the Hyrulean tongue, they are able to produce fine weaponry and armor, and occasionally some even use magic. Rare is the Lizalfos who favors mastering sorcery over mastering his own natural Fire Breath, however, earning the title of "Dinolfos" in doing so. Occasionally, a member of this race is born with vestigial bat-like wings, earning them the title of "Aeralfos" among their kin.

A Lizalfos begins with a PWC of 2/1/1 or 1/1/2, having a 2 in either Power or Courage. This starting PWC can be defied by using the Exception racial perk during character creation.

A Lizalfos has an innate racial perk called Claws, which enables their natural weaponry to be used in tandem with other treasures. In addition to this, a Lizalfos character can have up to three additional racial perks of choice. In addition to the general perks available to every race, a Lizalfos can also choose from:

  • Amphibious: a useful trait which enables the Lizalfos to breathe underwater as well as above it
  • Ball and Chain: a powerful, seemingly magical weapon favored in Lizalfos tribes
  • Fire Breath: a powerful technique enabling the Lizalfos to spit flames; those who can use this ability are usually called Dinolfos
  • Scent: a trait granting the Lizalfos an extraordinary sense of smell, able to even detect the presence of magic
  • Winged Flight: an uncommon mutation granting the Lizalfos vestigial wings capable of limited flight; those with wings are usually called Aeralfos

Recommended Origins

If you've never made a Lizalfos character before, these example origins may provide inspiration for your character.

Fighter of Moruge Swamp

For countless generations, you've lived in primitive huts of mud and sticks. There was some world out there, but you never really cared for it. Your goal has always been the annihilation of the vile River Zora and insane Mad Scrubs, while simultaneously protecting your humble tribe from the dangers of the swamp--including the very same threats you seek to vanquish. It's an endless battle, but you're well-suited to it. Wielding a legendary weapon of your people and inborn with fire breath, few foes can stand against you.

A Fighter of Moruge Swamp begins with a PWC of 2/1/1. Its racial perks include Claws, Amphibious, Ball and Chain, and Fire Breath.

Sentry of Monster Village

As a proud member of Monster Village, you work there as one of many scouts and sentries who protect the village from approach by the occasional threats. It's either the rare Hylian raiding parties who seek to "cleanse the world"... by destroying everything that isn't Hylian, apparently; bandits; or wandering beasts like Tektites. Your powerful senses and rare ability of flight have come in handy several times to see danger in the distance, and warn your fellow villagers of incoming danger. It's a peaceful life, but a fulfilling one.

A Sentry of Monster Village begins with a PWC of 1/1/2. Its racial perks include Claws, Scent, and Winged Flight.


While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's appearance and biology.

While Lizalfos are a two-gender race, the differences are subtle to outsiders who can't tell the difference in scent between genders. Males are more likely to have spines running across the top of their scalps, and are more prone to mastering Fire Breath, but even these hints aren't definitive. A pair of Lizalfos usually reproduce only in a particular mating season, and the end result is dozens of eggs, most of which will never make it to adulthood.

Unlike most sentient races, a Lizalfos reaches the size of a functional child in less than a month--equivalent in size and capability to a Hylian of 7-8 years old. It is then able to defend and support itself with built-in instincts. Indeed, the parent who stays with an offspring beyond conception is a rarity in Lizalfos society. Once a Lizalfos quickly accelerates to this child state, it will age more slowly. After 10 years, it will have the size and capabilities of a full adult, and can live to be as old as 50. Thus, overall, a Lizalfos ages at roughly twice the rate of a Hylian.

A typical Lizalfos remains hunched over, finding this more comfortable than standing straight up like most other races. Thus, a typical Lizalfos' comfortable stand height ranges between 5 feet (150cm) and 7 feet (210cm), but this height can usually be increased by less than 2 feet (60cm) if the Lizalfos willingly stands straight up. A Lizalfos weight typically varies between 150 lbs (70kg) to 300 lbs (135kg). Notably, most Aeralfos--those born with wings--are usually the smallest and the lightest.

Lizalfos bodies' are covered head to toe in scales, either of the overlapping variety characteristic of snakes, or the bonier non-overlapping skin-like scales of crocodiles. These scales are always some shade of green, but can tend towards black, brown, or yellow, and are usually lighter near the belly and front of the neck. A Lizalfos with a mutation, such as Dark Affinity, may have strangely-colored scales.

While Lizalfos have they have protruding mandibles filled with fangs of carnivores, these are typically not robust enough to be used in combat. Their claws, while short, can be used as a form of natural weaponry, but are more commonly used as tools. The long, prehensile tail each Lizalfos has can be a useful tool. While it lacks the gripping capability of a monkey's tail, it is strong enough to be affixed with the head of an axe or morning star, then bused as an additional limb in combat.

A Lizalfos is stereotyped as being less intelligent than a Hylian, but in truth, the prior may have an even greater capacity to learn. While a Hylian is usually given an education for years of its childhood, a Lizalfos is expected to learn its environment and how the world works in dramatically less time. Even the few members of the Castle Guard who go up against these scaled foes, and survived, will invariably comment on the exotic, surprising, and clever tactics Lizalfos fighters have used in battle.

All, or at least most, Lizalfos have the biological organs necessary to exhale fire capable of setting flame to foes. Despite this, not all Lizalfos have learned to do so. Those who have are usually distinguished as "Dinolfos."

Occasionally, a member of this race is born with vestigial bat-like wings, earning them the title of "Aeralfos" among their kin. The wings enable limited flight when flapped rapidly. These Aeralfos are usually smaller, lighter, and much lankier than the typical member of its race.

Culture & History

While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's origins, development, and society.

The origins of Lizalfos are a complete mystery, and rare is the Lizalfos who even cares. For centuries, these lizard-like humanoids never left the depths of their precious homeland, Moruge Swamp. Here, for countless generations, they've feuded with the River Zora, or even other Lizalfos, in tribal wars. For as long as the oldest Lizalfos can remember, it's always been one threat or another that's always kept them occupied and under siege. Indeed, going to Moruge is considered a death sentence for most of Hyrule, but this clan has embraced it, and their race has become well-toned experts on guerrilla warfare and do-or-die combat.

While others may see the huts of sticks and mud as primitive, Lizalfos look at houses of carpentered wood and laugh. A simple hut can be hidden; it sacrificed for the tactical advantage, and then rebuilt tomorrow. A mansion sacrifices such advantages for needless, purposeless comfort.

Before the invasion of Ganon, he found the race's ferocity and cunning to be well-suited to the ranks of his army, and so easily recruited all who yearned for something greater than an endless life in a swamp. Though few reptiles make up Ganon's army, those who do remain a fearsome force to face. In the years since, this paved the way for others to leave home.

Unfortunately, the Hylians who control the north often see Lizalfos as either minions of Ganon, violent and uncontrollably monsters, or both. As such, Lizalfos are never welcome in Hylian settlements for long, and are either driven away, or worse: killed on sight. While the vast majority of Lizalfos stay or return to their only place which makes sense to them, their homeland, a rare few have found shelter elsewhere. In Southern Hyrule, Lizalfos can find shelter with other "monsters" in Monster Village. Rarer still, Lizalfos might turn to a life of thievery and thuggery, by joining pirates in Forsaken Fortress, or making their way into bandit camps in the Lost Woods or other outposts across Hyrule.

Playable Races
Common Hylian · Gerudo · Goron · Sea Zora · River Zora · Deku Scrub · Rito · Mogma · Kikwi · Korok · Kokiri · Anouki · Yeti · Moblin
Uncommon Tiny Fairy · Lizalfos · Stalfos · Skull Kid · Hinox · Tokay · Subrosian · Twili · Picori
Elite Darknut · Wizzrobe · Garo · Lynel · Great Fairy · Sheikah · Poe
Unusual Unusual Companion