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The city of Hyrule Castle Town is the oldest known settlement of Hyrule, has a very mysterious beginning. No one alive knows of how it came to be, it isn’t known if it was built by early Hylian settlers centuries ago, or if something else constructed it. All that is told in the history books, is that Hylians have lived in Hyrule Castle Town for as long as can be remembered, and that the Royal Family of Hyrule has always resided in Hyrule Castle, located at the center of Castle Town.

Castle Town Districts

Hyrule Castle Town is a sight to behold. The inner city is nearly five miles in diameter constructed in a circular fashion of the rock of the mountains surrounding it. Surrounding Hyrule Castle Town’s inner city is a massive one hundred foot tall circular wall of grey granite, interrupted occasionally by either a large gate, or a tall guard tower. The city has only one entrance, a large fifty foot high stone gate guarded by watch towers on either side. On the outsides of the inner wall, as the wall around the inner city is called, lay stretches of farm land, stretching out another ten miles in diameter. Various small villages and farmsteads exist here, as the Hylians and other races work long days to provide food for the whole of the city.

Hyrule Castle Town’s inner city is divided into five districts, and they are as follows. In the northern area of Hyrule Castle Town lies the Goron Slums, formerly known as the merchant district. After Ganon took over their homes in Death Mountain, many Gorons retreated to Castle Town seeking shelter; the King of Hyrule then granted them their desire and gave the merchant district to them to act as a new home. They have now lived there for twelve years, and even though they were given this nice area to live in, it has now become known as a great Slum, home to many poor and hungry Goron, whom often get mistreated by their Hylian neighbors.

In the north-eastern area of the town are the Noble Estates, a very sophisticated and elegant community full of the upper class echelon of Hyrule.

Residential District, where the middle-lower class citizens of Hyrule make their home, is located in the north-west corner of Castle Town. Many hard working Hylians and other races have lived here for generations, contributing to the community in various ways. Some refugee Goron have earned their way into living here, leading a life more comfortable than those of the Slums.

The Embassies of Hyrule, located in the south-east area of Castle-Town serves as the diplomatic location for all races and cultures of Hyrule; ambassadors of the Zora, Goron, Deku, Rito, and Kokori, live here and speak for their respective races. Also located in this district are numerous establishments dedicated to the well-being of the people, including parks, museums, and financial institutions.

Finally, located in the south-western portion of Hyrule Castle Town lies the Military District, which acts as the head-quarters and training grounds for the Hyrule Castle Guard. For years, the Castle Guard have kept the peace of Northern Hyrule, and have protected its boundaries. The Hyrule Castle Guard is not strictly hylian made, other races such as the Goron, Zora, and Rito are members as well; some of the Guards live within the Military District, as they are either in training or play an important role in Hyrule’s Miliatry.

Separate from all of these districts, located in the center of Hyrule Castle Town, lies Hyrule Castle. Much like the whole of Castle-Town, Hyrule Castle is surrounded by a large circular wall; here the King of Hyrule and his daughter, Princess Zelda, live comfortably. The King and Princess are rarely seen in public, except on special occasions or to make a great announcement.

Surrounding Hyrule Castle is what used to be a very serene and beautiful garden, however, it has now turned into the new merchant district following the goron exodus to its previous location. This has now become a very busy area, turning Hyrule Castle’s garden into a trampled flat of dirt, and because of this increased flow of traffic, security has been heightened greatly by the Hyrule Caste Guard, to ensure that no disturbances reach his Highness. One very prominent set of shopkeepers are the business scrubs, Deku whom have traveled here from the Lost Woods many years ago to sell their wares. These scrubs have a very good reputation for providing the residents of Castle-Town with the best quality of goods from all over Hyrule.

All in all, Hyrule Castle Town is a very majestic city, full of exuberant and happy people, and all though it has its flaws, is most definitely the safest place in all of Hyrule from monsters and the forces of Ganon.

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