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Type Defensive Technique
Fields Darknut, Protect, WeaponBase
Cost High Cost

P5: 55 rupees
P4: 65 rupees
P3: 75 rupees
P2: 85 rupees
P1: 95 rupees
Rent: 15 rupees

Brace is a powerful defensive technique, and a racial perk for Darknuts. As such, a Darknut can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation. If a Darknut chooses to gain this perk at some point after creation, the perk costs 15 rupees less than the listed cost.

To use this technique, the user takes a deep breath and focuses all of his strength into a shield he wields, a parrying weapon, or his bare hand. He must firmly believe that he is immobile, indestructible, and that he can ward any attack. For the duration of this technique, he can do just that. Generally, the user must predict an attack coming to be able to properly brace against it, but once he does, his shield, weapon, or hands are completely impervious to the attack for as long as he remains motionless. Virtually any force will be unable to budge the user's brace for the duration of that time period. The rest of the user's body, however, is as vulnerable as normal.

Once a user braces a single attack, he cannot brace against that same source for a few seconds. Thus, Brace is useless against a flurry of attacks, but can effectively negate slow attacks or ranged attacks. The user can, however, brace different sources without restriction. If the user is being attacked by two monsters, for example, he can brace against the attack of one, then at any time brace against the other.


  • Shield Breaker is one of the few capabilities which can explicitly break through a properly executed Brace.
  • This treasure's capability to provide momentary, nearly invincible protection is similar to Barrier, or Split.
  • The Brace treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Guy.

Racial Perks
Darknut Darknut's Destiny (Innate) · Brace · Dark Blade · Launching Arm · Power Beam · Pulverize · Smith · Warrior's Training
Universal Adventure Pouch · Bonus Treasure · Business · Exception · Rupee Riches · Specialty · Unusual Background3