Magic Bean (material)

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Magic Bean
Type Offensive Organic Item
Fields Seed, Summon, Travel
Cost 3 rupees

A Magic Bean appears similar to a peapod, albeit with all the "peas" inside of it shimmering bright colors. Some find it to be a tasty snack, but its true purpose is revealed when it's planted in soft soil. Immediately after applying a bit of water, the bean will sprout into a leafy platform approximately 3 feet (or 1 meter) in diameter. Standing atop this platform will cause the platform to rise into the air like an elevator, and shifting one's weight can cause it to move in a given direction, including up or down, at a speed comparable to a Hylian's jogging speed. This method of steering is imprecise, as it can be difficult to stop, take sharp turns, or react quickly. Driving the platform more than approximately 100 feet (or about 30 meters) away from the spot in which it was planted will cause the plant to autonomously move back to that spot.

This single seed is pure and potent, and as such can be useful as a material to be used by a Botanist. By contrast, a Magic Bean Supply is a collection of less pure seeds which retain the same practical use, but cannot be grown and cultivated by a Botanist. Using just four of these potent seeds, a skilled Botanist can cultivate a Magic Bean Supply.

When used by a Botanist, these seeds are useful for creating an effect related to the Summon field.

Seed Effects

By using three Magic Beans, along with at least three other seeds, a Botanist is able to create a Seed Supply with one of the following effects. These effects will combine with the effects of other seed types used as materials.

Effect Name Description of Effect
Thrice This effect can only be combined with an effect that produces an impact. When the seed is shot or thrown through the air, it abruptly splits into three versions of itself, with the two summoned versions veering off to the right or left at a slight angle. If the summoned seeds stop their momentum without the impact effect triggered, they vanish as abruptly as they had appeared. This effect is similar to the spell, Thrice.
Gum This effect can only be combined with another effect which is normally triggered when the seed is held in the palm. The produced seed is designed to be chewed in the mouth, like chewing gum. Instead of needing to be held, the effect can maintain for as long as the user chews this "gum." Should she stop chewing the gum, or accidentally swallow it, the effect will end.
Aniclone When this seed is eaten by a small animal, such as a squirrel, goldfish, or Keese, that animal abruptly splits into two identical animals. After about an hour, the duplicate disappears. One animal cannot have more than one duplicate at a time. Intelligent small creatures, such as Picori, cannot be duplicated.
Statue When this seed is eaten, a statue bearing a strong resemblance to the eater will appear right next to them. While there is an obvious resemblance in the statue, almost anyone can tell it apart from the real thing. If the user eats another seed, a new statue will be created, and the previous will disappear. This effect is similar to the Elegy of Emptiness.
Summon The supply of created seeds becomes immaterial shortly after it is created. When the owner of the supply utters a specific word or phrase, however, one seed from the supply will be summoned into her palm.

Elixir Effects

Magic Beans can also be combined with specific quantities of other seeds to create a PerQuest Elixir with one of the following effects. As usual, the Botanist is able to produce multiple elixirs if her Botanist level is high enough.

Elixir Name Seeds Resulting Effect
Bottled Fire Beast 4 Magic + 4 Ember Dumping this bottle onto the ground creates a Hylian-like creature composed entirely of lava, incapable of speaking. Flinging the contents of this bottle into the air spawns four to seven Fire Keese. Regardless of the creature created, it is inclined to follow the others of whoever created it. In less than a couple minutes, the creature(s) will abruptly crumble into ash.
Bottled Ice Beast 4 Magic + 4 Chill Dumping this bottle onto the ground creates a Chilfos. Flying the contents of this bottle into the air spawns four to seven Ice Keese. Regardless of the creature created, it is inclined to follow the others of whoever created it. In less than a couple minutes, the creature(s) will abruptly crumble into harmless water.
Bottled Spark Beast 4 Magic + 4 Crackle Dumping this bottle onto the ground creates an Ampilus, a hermit-crab like creature as tall as a Darknut, which will charge down enemies with its rolling, electrified shell. Flinging the contents of this bottle into the air spawns four to seven Thunder Keese. Regardless of the creature created, it is inclined to follow the others of whoever created it. In less than a couple minutes, the creature(s) will abruptly vanish into smoke.
Ally of Light 4 Magic + 4 Glow Dumping this bottle onto the ground creates a Hylian-like creature who glows a yellow color, wielding metallic armor, shield, and sword which similarly glows. It is as intelligent as a Hylian, but cannot speak. Flinging the contents of this bottle into the air spawns four to seven Tiny Fairies, which notably lack healing abilities or other spells beyond the ability to fly. Regardless of the creature created, it is inclined to follow the others of whoever created it. In less than a couple minutes, the creature(s) will abruptly vanish into smoke.
Allies of Shadow 4 Magic + 4 Smoke Dumping this bottle onto the ground creates two Floormasters, two Wallmasters, or one Floormaster and one Wallmaster. Flinging the contents of this bottle into the air spawns four to seven Curse Keese or Blue Bubbles, either of which is able to produce Jinx effect on contact with the enemy. Regardless of the creature created, it is inclined to follow the others of whoever created it. In less than a few minutes, the creatures will abruptly vanish into smoke.
Clone Potion 4 Magic + 4 Deku After drinking this potion, the user will slump into unconsciousness. A duplicate will appear out of their body, which the user will be able to use and control as if it was their own body. This duplicate is incapable of using physical treasures of the host body (such as magical items) unless it removes them from the host body, but is otherwise able to use spells and techniques. The duplicate will be destroyed after 10 minutes, or if it suffers a physical injury.


  • The Magic Bean (material) treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members. Its concept is credited to Guy.
  • Most creatures which can be summoned by Magic Beans' Elixir Effects are canonical creatures. More information about the canonical versions of these creatures can likely be found on Zelda Wiki.

Botanist Seeds
Materials Armor · Baba · Bomb · Breath · Chill · Compact · Cloud · Crackle · Deku · Ember · Gasha · Gale · Glow · Hyoi · Magic · Pegasus · Razor · Scent · Smoke
Supplies Armor · Baba · Bomb · Breath · Chill · Compact · Cloud · Crackle · Deku · Ember · Gasha · Gale · Glow · Hyoi · Magic · Pegasus · Razor · Scent · Smoke