Summon Keese

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Summon Keese
Type Utility Spell
Fields Summon
Cost Lower Cost

W5: 20 rupees
W4: 25 rupees
W3: 30 rupees
W2: 35 rupees
W1: 40 rupees
Rent: 5 rupees

Summon Keese is a simple summoning spell, which can be cast by concentrating for about one second. Upon casting, a Keese appears within arms reach of the caster, who will fulfill all of the user's commands to the best of its ability. The Keese will remain until it dies, or the caster dismisses it, at which point it will immediately vanish.

You always have at least one summon level. The number of summon levels you have represents how many summoned creatures you can simultaneously maintain. A summoned Keese occupies one summon level, until it dies or is dismissed. In this way, the Keese "fills" one of your summon levels. While your summon levels are completely filled in this way, you cannot summon any more creatures. You can gain more summon levels through the Summon Power treasure.

If the user has a Fire Enchantment or Ice Enchantment, the enchanement can be used to instead summon a Fire Keese or Ice Keese, respectively.


Summon Keese
Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees

The user can gain the Multiple Keese augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time. This augment can be gained twice.

For each time this augment is gained, the creator can summon and simultaneously maintain an additional Keese, up to a maximum of three with only one summon level. That is, all three Keese still occupy only one summon level. By increasin one's summon levels, even more summoned eese can persist simultaneously.


The Summon Keese treasure does not appear verbatim within the official Zelda series. However, it can be interpreted to exist from context.