Fairy Tunic

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Fairy Tunic
Type Defensive Magical Item
Fields Bodygear, Light, Protect
Cost Normal Cost

P5: 40 rupees
P4: 50 rupees
P3: 60 rupees
P2: 70 rupees
P1: 80 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

A Golden Tunic, also known as Golden Armor or Holy Armor, appears as a bright yellow tunic sized appropriately for its intended wearer. Whoever wears it will be mostly protected from Light-based damage, and light in general. A skilled Tailor, Blacksmith, or Woodworker can create Golden Armor from a single supply of Gratitude Crystals.

Specifically, whoever wears Golden Armor will take less than half the normal damage from Light-based attacks, and lose any extremely photosensive properties, causing them to be no more sensitive to light than a typical Hylian. While this can help to negate the weaknesses of Undead and Vampiric creatures, it will never protect a being with a Dark Affinity.


  • Similar tunics can protect from other dangers, like the Golden Tunic protects from light. Specifically, the Goron Tunic protects from heat, the Zora Tunic protects from water, the Yeti Tunic protects from cold, and the Black Tunic protects from Shadow damage.
  • The Fairy Tunic treasure is an original creation by one of Hyrule Castle's members.