Deku Pirouette

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Deku Pirouette
Type Offensive Technique
Fields Deku, Force, WeaponBase
Cost Normal Cost

P5: 40 rupees
P4: 50 rupees
P3: 60 rupees
P2: 70 rupees
P1: 80 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

Deku Pirouette is an offensive technique, and a racial perk for Deku Scrubs. As such, a Deku Scrub can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation. If a Deku Scrub chooses to gain this perk at some point after creation, the perk costs 15 rupees less than the listed cost.

While extending a weapon or other segment of their body, the Deku Scrub spins two or three times. This can be done either standing still through the spin, or moving forward during it. A magical wave of force extends out a short distance from the tips of the spin (reaching a distance equal to roughly half the user's height), which deals moderate damage to those who get its path. The force and damage dealt are comparable to a strong punch. Performing this maneuver repeatedly has a tendency to leave the user disoriented from the spinning.


  • The Spin Attack is a more common and powerful variant of this technique, but the user cannot move forward while using it.
  • The Deku Pirouette treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Majora's Mask.

Racial Perks
Deku Scrub Plant Composition (Innate) · Water Hop (Innate) · Bubble Shot · Deku Leaf · Deku Nut Production · Deku Pirouette · Korok Copter · Nightvision
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