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Canonically, Deku Scrubs debuted in ''Ocarina of Time'', and returned with a larger role in ''Majora's Mask.''  Since then, they've had only minor roles throughout the series.
Canonically, Deku Scrubs debuted in ''Ocarina of Time'', and returned with a larger role in ''Majora's Mask.''  Since then, they've had only minor roles throughout the series.
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* [[Bubble Shot]]: a useful technique enabling the Scrub to fire projectiles from his mouth
* [[Bubble Shot]]: a useful technique enabling the Scrub to fire projectiles from his mouth
* [[Deku Leaf]]: a useful item which can be used as a parachute to glide, or be swung to create a magically powerful gust
* [[Deku Leaf]]: a useful item which can be used as a parachute to glide, or be swung to create a magically powerful gust
* [[Deku Nut Production|Deku Nut Supply]]: a supply of small nuts which can be thrown onto the ground to create blinding flashes, useful for creating a diversion
* [[Deku Nut Supply|Deku Nut Production]]: a supply of small nuts which can be thrown onto the ground to create blinding flashes, useful for creating a diversion
* [[Deku Pirouette]]: an offensive technique which creates a small offensive shockwave
* [[Deku Pirouette]]: an offensive technique which creates a small offensive shockwave
* [[Korok Copter]]: a useful technique requiring a Deku Leaf, which enables the Deku Scrub to fly
* [[Korok Copter]]: a useful technique requiring a Deku Leaf, which enables the Deku Scrub to fly
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===Mad Scrub of Morgue Swamp===
===Mad Scrub of Morgue Swamp===
Separate from the Deku of the Lost Woods or Kokiri Forest are the Mad Scrubs of [[Moruge Swamp]]. This distinct tribe of Deku differ from their relatives in one major way: their leaves are orange rather than green, and their wooden skin is comparatively yellow.  Making their home in the swamp, these Deku have become accustom to their wet, dirty surroundings.  Burrowing mostly underground, and living in floating logs and other such things, these Deku are not quite as sophisticated as their counterparts of the woods, forced to rely on instincts to survive in this desolate wilderness.  Due to their lack of exposure to a civilized society, they are often stereotyped as insane, hence the name Mad Scrub.
Separate from the Deku of the Lost Woods or Kokiri Forest are the Mad Scrubs of [[Moruge Swamp]]. This distinct tribe of Deku differ from their relatives in one major way: their leaves are orange rather than green, and their wooden skin is comparatively yellow.  Making their home in the swamp, these Deku have become accustomed to their wet, dirty surroundings.  Burrowing mostly underground, and living in floating logs and other such things, these Deku are not quite as sophisticated as their counterparts of the woods, forced to rely on instincts to survive in this desolate wilderness.  Due to their lack of exposure to a civilized society, they are often stereotyped as insane, hence the name Mad Scrub.
A Mad Scrub of Moruge Swamp begins with a PWC of 1/1/2.  Its racial perks include [[Plant Composition]], [[Water Hop]], [[Bubble Shot]], [[Deku Pirouette]], and [[Nightvision]].
A Mad Scrub of Moruge Swamp begins with a PWC of 1/1/2.  Its racial perks include [[Plant Composition]], [[Water Hop]], [[Bubble Shot]], [[Deku Pirouette]], and [[Nightvision]].
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While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's appearance and biology.
While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's appearance and biology.
A Deku Scrub's life begins as an immobile flower in the ground, after being planted there by its parents.  After a relatively short period of absorbing nutrients, water, and sunlight, the Deku Scrub grows to a size and shape large enough that it is able to wander away from its birth flower--known as its Deku Flower.  Young Deku Scrubs are prone to violent outbursts to protect its flower.  At this young age most Deku Scrubs have not yet grown arms, but are otherwise very similar physiologically to adult Deku Scrubs. 
The older a Deku Scrub becomes, the less dependent it becomes on its Deku Flower.  After only a few years, it has grown arms, and is able to leave the Deku Flower entirely, able to find nutrients, water, and sunlight on its own.  Despite this, many Deku Scrubs continue to live in the comfort of their own Deku Flowers--or venture out to find other Deku Flowers in which to live.  Although Deku Scrubs are self-sufficient after only a few years, it is common for them to be treated as children.  It is common for a young Deku Scrub that has grown alongside its parents to stay dependent on them until full maturity, after 10 to 20 years, though this is not always the case.
An adult Deku Scrub stands at a height ranging between roughly 2 and 4 feet (or 60 and 120 centimeters), yet tends only weigh somewhere between 10 and 50 pounds (or about 5 and 25 kilograms).  Scrubs are renowned for having wooden skin covered in bark, identical to a tree.  Their bodies also feature outgrowths of leaves in place of hair, used to absorb sunlight and perform a process similar to photosynthesis.  Nearly all Deku Scrubs have some form of leaves or shrubbery growing from atop their heads, though many of them style it in ways other than the typical wild look.  Most Deku Scrubs also grow leaves below their neck and across their torsos, which some uneducated [[Hylian]]s mistake as clothing.  Though rare, Deku Scrubs can also grow flower petals alongside or in place of leaves--though this is considered feminine, as it mostly occurs in female Deku Scrubs.
Deku Scrubs have yellow, orange, or red eyes which glow dimly and allows many of them to [[Nightvision|see in darkness]].  Rather than a nose or a mouth, their face features a short tubular 'snout' which can both smell and taste that which enters it.  Most Deku Scrubs are able to move their snout from its default circular shape, especially with practice--and those who live among other races often to so to more easily convey emotions to races prone to smiling and frowning.  These snouts are frequently used to [[Deku Nut Production|spit nuts]] or [[Bubble Shot|shot bubbles]] at high speed, used as a defensive combat mechanism.
Male Deku Scrubs tend to be slightly larger than females, and are less likely to feature petals.  Despite this, the genders appear very similar to those outside of the race--and gender roles are less common in Deku Scrub society, anyway.
A Deku Scrub's [[Plant Composition|wooden body]] makes it somewhat more resilient against cutting and piercing attacks, acting as a form of natural armor not unlike a reptile's scales.  Despite this, a Deku Scrub is highly flammable, and rapidly drowns when submerged in water.  Adventuring Deku Scrubs often attempt to overcome these weaknesses with treasures such as [[Goron Armor]] and [[Zora Armor]].
==Culture & History==
==Culture & History==
While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's origins, development, and society.
While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's origins, development, and society.
Young Deku Scrubs in particular are known to be highly protective of their Deku Flowers, kin group, and territory.  This is perhaps why the race as a whole tends to be comparatively xenophobic, rarely wishing to intermingle with other races.  Indeed, the innate hostility of many Deku cause many others to regard them as animals or monsters--particularly those found outside established city borders.
Yet, there are a few rare Deku Scrubs who intermingle with [[Hylian]]s, [[Goron]]s, and other more 'hospitable' races.  These Scrubs tend to fancy themselves as businessmen and traders, or occasionally adventurers.  Even these Deku Scrubs often have a tendency towards erratic behavior, paranoia, and other mental unstable qualities compared to [[Hylian]]s.
For the most part, Deku Scrubs are found in four different groupings throughout [[Hyrule]].  The most populous seems to be the [[Lost Woods]], with numerous different tribes filling the entire landscape.  It is widely believed this was the first home of the Deku, as if they were created here by the goddesses, though no proof of this is known to exist.  Although most Deku live among the shrubbery here, a large wooden structure known as the Deku Palace famously is hidden among the twisting forest paths--even ruled over by a Deku King and royal family, not unlike a smaller version of [[Castle Town]].  The validity of this royal family is questioned even by other Deku Scrubs, however.
The second largest group seems to be the several tribes which dwell in [[Kokiri Forest]], a place known to a wise being known as the Great Deku Tree.  Some claim this is the true creator of the Deku Scrub race, and as such many Deku Scrubs desire to protect the forest in which he dwells, or at least reside near him.  Others uphold this tree as a false prophet, who has no right being called 'Great' much less 'Deku.'
The third major grouping of Deku Scrubs is in [[Moruge Swamp]].  Perhaps its the hospital climate there which causes these Deku Scrubs to behave so violently and erratically, even by Deku Scrub standards.  Fiercely territorial, the Deku Scrubs here are known to attack even other Deku Scrubs on sight--and as such are typically called under the dubious moniker of Mad Scrubs.  The Scrubs of this region are more likely than others to have orange-colored leaves and sickly yellow-green colored wooden skin, an appearance which is unsightly or disgraceful to some Deku Scrubs.  Despite their sickly appearance, the harsh climate and fierce monsters of the swamp make Scrubs of this area the most ferocious, toughest, and wildest of the entire race.  Their lives also tend to be the shortest, however.
Finally, the fourth organization of Deku Scrubs is one known informally as the Business Scrub Association.  This encompasses may Deku Scrubs--often called "Business Scrubs"--who travel throughout Hyrule as merchants, intermingling with other races far more than the other groups.  They likely come off as the most sane and welcoming of all four groups--though this isn't saying much, especially as most of them still have very territorial and paranoid instincts.  This variant in particular tends to be taller than average, with stringy limbs.  The Association is a mysterious organization rumored to be centered in Castle Town, though it has many charters across the land.  Some say it is tightly run.  Some say it's just a loosely-tied guild.  Regardless, almost every Deku Scrub merchant claims to be a Business Scrub with ties to this organization.
Compared to most races, Deku Scrubs were not very affected by the invasion of [[Ganon]]'s forces.  To the majority of them, the monsters introduced were just more obnoxious wanderers who needed to be driven away from Deku territory.

Latest revision as of 14:20, 17 October 2015

Deku Scrub is a playable race on Hyrule Castle. As one of the fourteen common races, any player can choose to make a Deku Scrub character.


Canonically, Deku Scrubs debuted in Ocarina of Time, and returned with a larger role in Majora's Mask. Since then, they've had only minor roles throughout the series.

Character Creation Brief

Deku Scrubs, also known as simply Scrubs or Deku, are one of two sentient plant races which inhabit Hyrule, the other being Koroks. Made entirely of wood, Deku anatomy is a mystery. Although their bodies are quite hard, and quite flammable, they move with the same fluidity of other races, and in most cases more quickly, their small bodies able to move with surprising speed. Because of their speed and small stature, the Deku prefer guerrilla tactics over straightforward combat. This is well suited to the forests in which they live, as the Deku are able to strike quickly, then disappear into the nooks and crannies of which only they know. Still, even outside of their natural habitat, Deku Scrubs pose just as much difficulty for their opponents. Using resourcefulness where they lack in strength, one should not underestimate a Deku just for their size. Most other races who don't live near Deku Scrubs tend to be wary of them, as their kind is infamous for attacking those who enter their forests without provocation.

A Deku Scrub begins with a PWC of 1/2/1 or 1/1/2, having a 2 in either Wisdom or Courage. This starting PWC can be defied by using the Exception racial perk during character creation.

A Deku Scrub has an innate racial perk called Plant Composition, and another known as Water Hop. In addition to these, a Deku Scrub character can have up to three racial perks of choice. In addition to the general perks available to every race, a Deku Scrub can also choose from:

  • Bubble Shot: a useful technique enabling the Scrub to fire projectiles from his mouth
  • Deku Leaf: a useful item which can be used as a parachute to glide, or be swung to create a magically powerful gust
  • Deku Nut Production: a supply of small nuts which can be thrown onto the ground to create blinding flashes, useful for creating a diversion
  • Deku Pirouette: an offensive technique which creates a small offensive shockwave
  • Korok Copter: a useful technique requiring a Deku Leaf, which enables the Deku Scrub to fly
  • Nightvision: a useful ability which enables a Deku Scrub to use its glowing eyes to see clearly in darkness

Recommended Origins

If you've never made a character before and intend to make a Deku Scrub, it is highly encouraged that you base your character on one of the following four origins. If you've made a character before, these example origins may provide inspiration for your character.

Protector of Kokiri Forest

Centuries back a group of Deku Scrubs made a daring journey to the unknown south, hearing rumors of a great plant named the Deku Tree; this rumor they heard from a peculiar visitor, who was visiting the lost woods planting seeds of this tree. Presently, descendents of these brave Deku reside among the Kokiri of Kokiri Forest, acting as protectors of their ancient home. As one of these Deku, you have long done your duty in assisting the Great Deku Tree in keeping his Kokiri children safe.

A Protector of Kokiri Forest begins with a PWC of either 1/2/1 or 1/1/2. Its racial perks include Plant Composition, Water Hop, Bubble Shot, Deku Nut Supply, and Deku Pirouette.

Deku of the Lost Woods

The Lost Woods have forever been the home to the Deku, and while select tribes of Deku may have departed for different reasons, they can all be traced back to here. Dominated by the massive Deku Palace, the home of the Deku is an ancient, yet wondrous one; many small dwellings surround the Palace, housing thousands of Deku Scrubs. As a member of the Deku Clan, you have lived here all of your life, protected by the woods surrounding you; what your role as a Deku Scrub is, is up to you.

A Deku of the Lost Woods begins with a PWC of either 1/2/1 or 1/1/2. Its racial perks include Plant Composition, Water Hop, Bubble Shot, Deku Nut Supply, and Nightvision.

Mad Scrub of Morgue Swamp

Separate from the Deku of the Lost Woods or Kokiri Forest are the Mad Scrubs of Moruge Swamp. This distinct tribe of Deku differ from their relatives in one major way: their leaves are orange rather than green, and their wooden skin is comparatively yellow. Making their home in the swamp, these Deku have become accustomed to their wet, dirty surroundings. Burrowing mostly underground, and living in floating logs and other such things, these Deku are not quite as sophisticated as their counterparts of the woods, forced to rely on instincts to survive in this desolate wilderness. Due to their lack of exposure to a civilized society, they are often stereotyped as insane, hence the name Mad Scrub.

A Mad Scrub of Moruge Swamp begins with a PWC of 1/1/2. Its racial perks include Plant Composition, Water Hop, Bubble Shot, Deku Pirouette, and Nightvision.

Business Scrub

Business Scrubs are a unique variant who live all throughout Hyrule, often mixing themselves into various foreign cities, although they all originate from the Lost Woods. Aside from this, they have three unique traits which separate them from the average Lost Woods Scrub: they are part of the Business Scrub Association, they have an exceptionally keen business sense, and they are all trained in the ways of flight. Utilizing a skill taught unto them centuries ago by the same one who first spoke of the Deku Tree, Business Scrubs are capable of using Deku Leaves in a manner that allows them to achieve helicopter-like flight. This, among other things, makes it easier for them to travel back in time for the annual Business Scrub Association meeting, where information about the world--particularly in regards to information about profits--is shared among them.

A Business Scrub begins with a PWC of 1/1/2. Its racial perks include Plant Composition, Water Hop, Business, Deku Leaf, and Korok Copter.


While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's appearance and biology.

A Deku Scrub's life begins as an immobile flower in the ground, after being planted there by its parents. After a relatively short period of absorbing nutrients, water, and sunlight, the Deku Scrub grows to a size and shape large enough that it is able to wander away from its birth flower--known as its Deku Flower. Young Deku Scrubs are prone to violent outbursts to protect its flower. At this young age most Deku Scrubs have not yet grown arms, but are otherwise very similar physiologically to adult Deku Scrubs.

The older a Deku Scrub becomes, the less dependent it becomes on its Deku Flower. After only a few years, it has grown arms, and is able to leave the Deku Flower entirely, able to find nutrients, water, and sunlight on its own. Despite this, many Deku Scrubs continue to live in the comfort of their own Deku Flowers--or venture out to find other Deku Flowers in which to live. Although Deku Scrubs are self-sufficient after only a few years, it is common for them to be treated as children. It is common for a young Deku Scrub that has grown alongside its parents to stay dependent on them until full maturity, after 10 to 20 years, though this is not always the case.

An adult Deku Scrub stands at a height ranging between roughly 2 and 4 feet (or 60 and 120 centimeters), yet tends only weigh somewhere between 10 and 50 pounds (or about 5 and 25 kilograms). Scrubs are renowned for having wooden skin covered in bark, identical to a tree. Their bodies also feature outgrowths of leaves in place of hair, used to absorb sunlight and perform a process similar to photosynthesis. Nearly all Deku Scrubs have some form of leaves or shrubbery growing from atop their heads, though many of them style it in ways other than the typical wild look. Most Deku Scrubs also grow leaves below their neck and across their torsos, which some uneducated Hylians mistake as clothing. Though rare, Deku Scrubs can also grow flower petals alongside or in place of leaves--though this is considered feminine, as it mostly occurs in female Deku Scrubs.

Deku Scrubs have yellow, orange, or red eyes which glow dimly and allows many of them to see in darkness. Rather than a nose or a mouth, their face features a short tubular 'snout' which can both smell and taste that which enters it. Most Deku Scrubs are able to move their snout from its default circular shape, especially with practice--and those who live among other races often to so to more easily convey emotions to races prone to smiling and frowning. These snouts are frequently used to spit nuts or shot bubbles at high speed, used as a defensive combat mechanism.

Male Deku Scrubs tend to be slightly larger than females, and are less likely to feature petals. Despite this, the genders appear very similar to those outside of the race--and gender roles are less common in Deku Scrub society, anyway.

A Deku Scrub's wooden body makes it somewhat more resilient against cutting and piercing attacks, acting as a form of natural armor not unlike a reptile's scales. Despite this, a Deku Scrub is highly flammable, and rapidly drowns when submerged in water. Adventuring Deku Scrubs often attempt to overcome these weaknesses with treasures such as Goron Armor and Zora Armor.

Culture & History

While not vital information, the following includes further detail on the race's origins, development, and society.

Young Deku Scrubs in particular are known to be highly protective of their Deku Flowers, kin group, and territory. This is perhaps why the race as a whole tends to be comparatively xenophobic, rarely wishing to intermingle with other races. Indeed, the innate hostility of many Deku cause many others to regard them as animals or monsters--particularly those found outside established city borders.

Yet, there are a few rare Deku Scrubs who intermingle with Hylians, Gorons, and other more 'hospitable' races. These Scrubs tend to fancy themselves as businessmen and traders, or occasionally adventurers. Even these Deku Scrubs often have a tendency towards erratic behavior, paranoia, and other mental unstable qualities compared to Hylians.

For the most part, Deku Scrubs are found in four different groupings throughout Hyrule. The most populous seems to be the Lost Woods, with numerous different tribes filling the entire landscape. It is widely believed this was the first home of the Deku, as if they were created here by the goddesses, though no proof of this is known to exist. Although most Deku live among the shrubbery here, a large wooden structure known as the Deku Palace famously is hidden among the twisting forest paths--even ruled over by a Deku King and royal family, not unlike a smaller version of Castle Town. The validity of this royal family is questioned even by other Deku Scrubs, however.

The second largest group seems to be the several tribes which dwell in Kokiri Forest, a place known to a wise being known as the Great Deku Tree. Some claim this is the true creator of the Deku Scrub race, and as such many Deku Scrubs desire to protect the forest in which he dwells, or at least reside near him. Others uphold this tree as a false prophet, who has no right being called 'Great' much less 'Deku.'

The third major grouping of Deku Scrubs is in Moruge Swamp. Perhaps its the hospital climate there which causes these Deku Scrubs to behave so violently and erratically, even by Deku Scrub standards. Fiercely territorial, the Deku Scrubs here are known to attack even other Deku Scrubs on sight--and as such are typically called under the dubious moniker of Mad Scrubs. The Scrubs of this region are more likely than others to have orange-colored leaves and sickly yellow-green colored wooden skin, an appearance which is unsightly or disgraceful to some Deku Scrubs. Despite their sickly appearance, the harsh climate and fierce monsters of the swamp make Scrubs of this area the most ferocious, toughest, and wildest of the entire race. Their lives also tend to be the shortest, however.

Finally, the fourth organization of Deku Scrubs is one known informally as the Business Scrub Association. This encompasses may Deku Scrubs--often called "Business Scrubs"--who travel throughout Hyrule as merchants, intermingling with other races far more than the other groups. They likely come off as the most sane and welcoming of all four groups--though this isn't saying much, especially as most of them still have very territorial and paranoid instincts. This variant in particular tends to be taller than average, with stringy limbs. The Association is a mysterious organization rumored to be centered in Castle Town, though it has many charters across the land. Some say it is tightly run. Some say it's just a loosely-tied guild. Regardless, almost every Deku Scrub merchant claims to be a Business Scrub with ties to this organization.

Compared to most races, Deku Scrubs were not very affected by the invasion of Ganon's forces. To the majority of them, the monsters introduced were just more obnoxious wanderers who needed to be driven away from Deku territory.

Playable Races
Common Hylian · Gerudo · Goron · Sea Zora · River Zora · Deku Scrub · Rito · Mogma · Kikwi · Korok · Kokiri · Anouki · Yeti · Moblin
Uncommon Tiny Fairy · Lizalfos · Stalfos · Skull Kid · Hinox · Tokay · Subrosian · Twili · Picori
Elite Darknut · Wizzrobe · Garo · Lynel · Great Fairy · Sheikah · Poe
Unusual Unusual Companion