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|title=Gasha Seed
|title=Gasha Seed

Revision as of 05:18, 17 October 2015

Gasha Seed
Type Defensive Organic Item
Fields Control, Seed
Cost 3 rupees

A Hyoi Seed appears somewhat similarly to a normal brown seed, but bears on one side several spots which resemble a face. Although it has no extraordinary effects on its own, anyone who eats one feels a momentary, bizarre feeling as though they can't control their own body. This single seed is pure and potent, and as such can be useful as a material to be used by a Botanist. In particular, a Botanist can use four of these to create a Hyoi Pear Supply.

When used by a Botanist, these seeds are useful for creating an effect related to the Control field.

Seed Effects

By using three Hyoi Seeds, along with at least three other seeds, a Botanist is able to create a Seed Supply with one of the following effects. These effects will combine with the effects of other seed types used as materials.

Effect Name Description of Effect
Push When this seed impacts an inanimate object, the it establishes a seemingly magical link with the user (or whoever threw or smashed the seed). At any time within the next hour, the user can trigger all objects affected by the Push Seed, by snapping his finger. Every affected object will suddenly be pushed back from the user as if he shoved it with one arm, being pushed in whatever direction is furthest from the user.
Repellent If the user eats this seed, she gains its effect for several minutes. If the user holds this seed tightly in her palm, she gains the effect for so long as she holds it. In either case, the user is surrounded with an invisible bubble through which no creature of size comparable to a Keese or squirrel can penetrate of their own strength. Any such creatures who are in the bubble when this effect activates are gently pushed out. Larger creatures are wholly unaffected, and likely will not notice the bubble without a Lens of Truth.
Mammal Control When this seed is hand-fed to a unintelligent mammalian creature of lesser mass than the user, the user's body will enter a trance while their mind takes control of the mammal's body as if it was their own. The user loses all sensation and control from their own body. This effect will cancel if either body takes damage, if the user willingly returns to their body, if either the user or the mammal loses consciousness, or if the controlled mammal moves more than roughly 300 feet (or 100 meters) away from the user.
Reptile Control When this seed is hand-fed to a unintelligent reptilian or amphibian creature of lesser mass than the user, the user's body will enter a trance while their mind takes control of the animal's body as if it was their own. The user loses all sensation and control from their own body. This effect will cancel if either body takes damage, if the user willingly returns to their body, if either the user or the animal loses consciousness, or if the controlled animal moves more than roughly 300 feet (or 100 meters) away from the user.
Fish Control When this seed is hand-fed to a unintelligent fish, the user's body will enter a trance while their mind takes control of the fish's body as if it was their own. The user loses all sensation and control from their own body. This effect will cancel if either body takes damage, if the user willingly returns to their body, if either the user or the fish loses consciousness, or if the controlled fish moves more than roughly 300 feet (or 100 meters) away from the user.

Elixir Effects

Hyoi Seeds can also be combined with specific quantities of other seeds to create a PerQuest Elixir with one of the following effects. As usual, the Botanist is able to produce multiple elixirs if her Botanist level is high enough.

Elixir Name Seeds Resulting Effect
Memory Tonic 1 Hyoi + 1 Pegasus After drinking this tonic, all of the user's physical sensations--sight, scent, sound, taste, and touch--will be recorded for up to a couple minutes' time, or until the user blinks--whichever occurs first. At the end of this period, the user vomits forth a small violet "Memory Pellet." Whoever later swallows this Memory Pellet will be lost in a trance as they experience the recorded sensations. This cannot transmit senses the recipient cannot understand--such as sight to someone who has never seen.
Pungent Defense 2 Hyoi + 2 Scent Whoever drinks this potion will abruptly reek with a stench so potent that it is virtually impossible for any smelling creature to get within arm's reach of him (roughly 6 feet, or 2 meters) without holding their nose or otherwise blocking off the stench. This effect lasts for several minutes at a time, but usually no more than 10.
Remote Bomb Fluid 4 Hyoi + 4 Bomb This oil can be applied to a Bomb Flower, a Bomb Bag, a Supply of other explosives, or an individual explosive, so long as that explosive normally detonates with a timer. For roughly a day's time, all affected bombs will be able to detonate with a mental cue from the owner, instead of detonating over a period of time as normal. The owner can only place one remotely-triggered explosive at a time, however.
Green Potion 4 Hyoi + 4 Gasha When the potion is consumed, the drinker will immediately feel reinvigorated. Any stamina or fatigue the drinker feels will be immediately relieved, and the drinker will feel particularly invigorated for several minutes thereafter. Any ability with time restrictions will, for the purpose of the drinker, will be reduced to less than a quarter of its normal time. The time restrictions include both the time to use the ability, and the time which must pass before using the ability again. This does not affect the time limitations of items, but affects spells and techniques. The effect of this potion ends after a few minutes.

Other Effects

A Botanist can use 2 Hyoi Seeds to create Craving Powder.


  • Although Hyoi Seeds don't make a canonical appearance, they are based on the Hyoi Pears which appear in The Wind Waker. More about the canonical version of Hyoi Pears can likely be found on Zelda Wiki.
  • Green Potions make several canonical appearances, but most other Seed Effects and Elixir Effects are original creations of Hyrule Castle's members.

Botanist Seeds
Materials Armor · Baba · Bomb · Breath · Chill · Compact · Cloud · Crackle · Deku · Ember · Gasha · Gale · Glow · Hyoi · Magic · Pegasus · Razor · Scent · Smoke
Supplies Armor · Baba · Bomb · Breath · Chill · Compact · Cloud · Crackle · Deku · Ember · Gasha · Gale · Glow · Hyoi · Magic · Pegasus · Razor · Scent · Smoke