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Summon ChuChu
Type Utility Spell
Fields Summon
Cost Low Cost

W5: 30 rupees
W4: 35 rupees
W3: 40 rupees
W2: 45 rupees
W1: 50 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

Summon ChuChu is a simple summoning spell, which can be cast by concentrating for about one second. Upon casting, a ChuChu appears within arm's reach of the caster, who will fulfill all of the caster's commands to the best of its ability. The caster can choose any color of ChuChu to summon when he casts this spell, but the color gives it no inherent properties. The ChuChu will remain until it dies, or the caster dismisses it, at which point it will immediately vanish. Once a ChuChu vanishes for any reason other than dismissal, the caster cannot summon another one to replace it for at least 1 minute. This does not prevent the caster from summoning more ChuChu if he would otherwise be able, nor does it prevent him in any way from summoning creatures which are not ChuChu.

(Note: The variety of ChuChu used in this spell can be any canonical variety other than those appearing in Skyward Sword, as such ChuChu are considerably stronger than other canonical varieties.)

You always have at least one summon level. The number of summon levels you have represents how many summoned creatures you can simultaneously maintain. A summoned ChuChu occupies one summon level, until it dies or is dismissed. In this way, the ChuChu "fills" one of your summon levels. While your summon levels are completely filled in this way, you cannot summon any more creatures. You can gain more summon levels through the Summon Power treasure.


Empowered ChuChu
Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees

The user can gain the Multiple ChuChu, Elemental ChuChu, or Empowered ChuChu augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time.

The Empowered ChuChu augment can be gained up to three times. Each time it is gained, all ChuChu the caster summons gain a corresponding power, unless he decides otherwise. All ChuChu can gain the effect freely.

  • Collapsing ChuChu can collapse into a puddle at will, for up to 10 seconds, before they need to spring back up. While in puddle form, they cannot be harmed with means other than spells or magic items. These ChuChus are part of the Transform field.
  • Stone ChuChu can turn to stone at will, for up to 10 seconds, before they need to revert back to normal. While in stone form, they cannot be harmed by anything which couldn't damage granite. These ChuChus are part of the Earth and Transform fields.
  • Helmed ChuChu can don protective helmets of rocks and spikes, making them difficult to damage, and increasing the power of their headbutt attacks. These ChuChus are part of the Earth and Protect fields.
Elemental ChuChu
Lower Cost

W5: 20 rupees
W4: 25 rupees
W3: 30 rupees
W2: 35 rupees
W1: 40 rupees

The Elemental ChuChu augment can be gained up to three times. Each time it is gained, any one color of ChuChu the caster summons gain a corresponding power. Because a ChuChu must be a specific color, it is impossible for any one ChuChu to have multiple Elemental augments.

  • Red ChuChu become cloaked in violent flames which do not harm them. Any other being which comes into contact with them will be inflamed, and even getting near the heat may be difficult. These ChuChus are part of the Fire field. This augment can be gained for 10 less rupees if the user has a Fire Enchantment.
  • White ChuChu become cloaked in a magical veil of ice, which doesn't harm them. Any other being which comes into contact with them, even with metal objects, will be abruptly frozen solid for several seconds, and take damage from the cold. These ChuChus are part of the Ice field. This augment can be gained for 10 less rupees if the user has an Ice Enchantment.
  • Yellow ChuChu channel electricity throughout their bodies, to the point it visibly and audibly sparks, though they aren't harmed by it. Any other being which comes into contact with them, even with metal objects, will be violently shocked and take damage. These ChuChus are part of the Electric field. This augment can be gained for 10 less rupees if the user has a Shock Enchantment.
Multiple ChuChu
Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees

The Multiple ChuChu augment can be gained twice. For each time this augment is gained, the creator can summon and simultaneously maintain an additional ChuChu, up to a maximum of three with only one summon level. That is, all three ChuChus still occupy only one summon level. By increasing one's summon levels, even more summoned ChuChus can persist simultaneously.


  • Similar spells which summon monsters include Summon Keese, Summon Like-Like, and Summon Floormaster.
  • The Summon ChuChu treasure does not appear verbatim within the official Zelda series. However, it can be interpreted to exist from context.