Summon Floormaster

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Summon Floormaster
Type Defensive Spell
Fields Shadow, Summon, Trap
Cost Normal Cost

W5: 40 rupees
W4: 50 rupees
W3: 60 rupees
W2: 70 rupees
W1: 80 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

Summon Floormaster , also known as Summon Wallmaster, is a summoning spell, which can be cast by concentrating for about one second. Upon casting, a Floormaster or Wallmaster appears within arm's reach of the caster, who will fulfill all of the user's commands to the best of its ability. It cannot persist outside of the general area in which it is summoned, and will instinctively patrol that area to guard it from what it sees as intruders (which includes any being other than the caster, and other Wallmasters or Floormasters). If it manages to grab hold securely of a being, the monster can drag it down through the shoulders, and harmlessly toss it out of the area. In a building or complex, the monster will toss it to the entrance. Outside, it will expel the intruder to an area approximately 100 meters (or 300 feet) from where it caught the intruder, in whatever direction it feels is furthest away.

A summoned Floormaster has the benefit of being able to disappear into a hole of swirling shadows on the ground, allowing it to pounce up and grab unsuspecting victims. A summoned Wallmaster has the benefit of being able to traverse walls and ceilings, thereby allowing it to drop down to grab unsuspecting intruders.

The Floormaster or Wallmaster will remain until it dies, or the caster dismisses it, at which point it will immediately vanish. Once a Floormaster or Wallmaster vanishes for any reason other than dismissal, the caster cannot summon another one to replace its specific slot for at least 1 minute. This does not prevent the caster from summoning more Floormasters or Wallmasters if he would otherwise be able, nor does it prevent him in any way from summoning creatures which are not Floormasters or Wallmasters.

You always have at least one summon level. The number of summon levels you have represents how many summoned creatures you can simultaneously maintain. A summoned Floormaster or Wallmaster occupies one summon level, until it dies or is dismissed. In this way, the Floormaster or Wallmaster "fills" one of your summon levels. While your summon levels are completely filled in this way, you cannot summon any more creatures. You can gain more summon levels through the Summon Power treasure.


Lowest Cost

W5: 10 rupees
W4: 15 rupees
W3: 20 rupees
W2: 25 rupees
W1: 30 rupees

The user can gain the Guardmaster augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time. A caster with this augment may mentally picture certain people, creatures, or entire races while casting this spell. If she does so, the resulting Floormaster or Wallmaster, the monster will instinctively let the protected beings through, as if they were not intruders. Casting the spell in this way takes only a few seconds longer than normal, unless the caster has an exhaustive list of specific individuals to allow.

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