Dark Blade

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Dark Blade
Type Offensive Spell
Fields Cut, Darknut, Summon
Cost High Cost

P5: 55 rupees
P4: 65 rupees
P3: 75 rupees
P2: 85 rupees
P1: 95 rupees
Rent: 15 rupees

Dark Blade is an offensive spell, and a racial perk for Darknuts. As such, a Darknut can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation. If a Darknut chooses to gain this perk at some point after creation, the perk costs 15 rupees less than the listed cost.

Through momentary concentration, the caster can manifest a metal or wooden sword, axe, or mace of any size or form he imagines, so long as its length is less than his height, and its mass less than a quarter his own. Alternatively, he can create a polearm, which can have a significantly greater length, but has much tighter restrictions on mass, and must be comparable to a normal polearm. Though other races create this weapon from other means, a Darknut forms this blade from the same dark magic which formed him. Once this blade is created, the caster cannot summon another one for an hour's time, and any newly summoned blade replaces the last. This blade has several benefits over a normal weapon:

  • For the one who created it, the blade seems to weigh a quarter of its actual weight, and fits the creator's hands like a glove.
  • The blade can only be wielded by the one who created it, as any other being will be shocked back in attempting to grip the handle. This is a compulsory mental effect, and does not inflict any actual damage.
  • The blade cannot be affected or damaged in any way by the treasures of any being the Darknut mentally designates as his adversary in combat (as by Weapon Curse, or a similar treasure). However, the blade can still be affected by beings of whom the Darknut is not aware, or by neutral environments not created by his designated adversaries.
  • If the blade is not already in the caster's hand, the caster can concentrate momentarily to vanish from wherever it is, and re-materialize in his grip.

While the Dark Blade cannot be crafted, it can be modified by the caster if he has sufficient Crafting skills, or any other skilled Crafter the caster allows to modify the blade. In effect, the Dark Blade is treated as a base weapon, into which appropriate materials can be melded, granting the weapon the materials' effects. If the caster ever summons a new Dark Blade, any materials crafted into the last one are forever lost.

This spell can be gained multiple times. Each additional time it is gained, the caster is able to wield an additional Dark Blade beyond the first. Any additional blade is treated as an entirely separate weapon, with no relation to the first. If the caster already has at least one instance of this spell, it can be gained again as if it had a Low Cost.


Racial Perks
Darknut Darknut's Destiny (Innate) · Brace · Dark Blade · Launching Arm · Power Beam · Pulverize · Smith · Warrior's Training
Universal Adventure Pouch · Bonus Treasure · Business · Exception · Rupee Riches · Specialty · Unusual Background3