Summon Stal

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Summon Stal
Type Utility Spell
Fields Summon, Undead
Cost Normal Cost

W5: 40 rupees
W4: 50 rupees
W3: 60 rupees
W2: 70 rupees
W1: 80 rupees
Rent: 10 rupees

Summon Stal is a common summoning spell. This spell can be cast by concentrating for about one second. Upon casting, up to two Stalchildren appear within arm's reach of the caster. Each Stalchild will fulfill all of the caster's commands to the best of its ability. Each one is nearly mindless, and can only be extremely simple commands, typically no more than a word in length. For example, "attack" and "scout" are understood commands, but "set a trap" or "solve puzzle" are not. As with most Stalchildren, these creatures are each a skeleton about the size of a Kokiri, move somewhat slowly, and are fragile. An average-strength adult could usually fell a Stalchild with one well-placed blow.

Each Stalchild will persist until it dies, or the caster dismisses it, at which point it will immediately vanish. Being undead, Stalchildren can persist in virtually any environment with no need to breathe, eat, or sleep. Once a Stalchild vanishes for any reason other than dismissal, the caster cannot summon another one to replace its specific spot for at least 1 minute. This does not prevent the caster from summoning more Stalchildren if he would otherwise be able, nor does it prevent him in any way from summoning creatures which are not Stalchildren.

A caster always has at least one summon level. The number of summon levels he has represents how many summoned creatures he can simultaneously maintain. Two summoned Stalchildren occupy one summon level, until they die or are dismissed. In this way, the two Stalchildren "fill" one of his summon levels. (Meanwhile, one Stalchild would only fill half a summon level.) While his summon levels are completely filled in this way, he cannot summon any more creatures. It is possible gain more summon levels through the Summon Power treasure, to a maximum of three levels. With three summon levels (or two instances of Summon Power), up to six Stalchildren could be summoned at once.


Summon Stalfos
Low Cost

W5: 30 rupees
W4: 35 rupees
W3: 40 rupees
W2: 45 rupees
W1: 50 rupees

The user can gain the Stalfos augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time. To acquire this augment, the caster must already have both Summon Stal and one additional level of Summon Power.

With this augment, the user is able to momentarily summon a fully-functioning Stalfos. Unlike a sentient Stalfos, this creature will completely obey the summoner's commands, with a degree of intellect as high as that of an average Hylian, albeit no ability to speak. It is undead, but possesses no other racial perks. Like a Stalchild, it is summoned naked, without any weaponry.

Unlike a Stalchild, a single Stalfos occupies "one and a half" summon levels. Thus, if the caster has two summon levels, he can summon up to one Stalfos and one Stalchild. If the caster has three summon levels, he can summon two whole Stalfos, or a Stalfos and three Stalchildren.


  • Similar spells which summon monsters include Summon Keese, Summon ChuChu, Summon Like-Like, and Summon Floormaster.
  • As with all summoned creatures, Stalchildren and Stalfos created by this spell can be dispelled immediately with a weapon crafted from Expel Glass.
  • The Summon Stal treasure does not appear verbatim within the official Zelda series. However, it can be interpreted to exist from context, initially so in Ocarina of Time. More information about canonical Stalchildren can be found on Zelda Wiki.