Adventure Pouch

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Adventure Pouch
Type Utility Magical Item
Fields Transform
Cost 50 rupees

The Adventure Pouch, also known as the Compaction Pouch, was invented decades ago by a renowned sage, and has since become one of the most common treasures among the Hyrulean populace, as it can be reproduced rather easily and is useful for almost anyone, despite the magical and material costs involved in its production. Largely because of its common and useful nature, this treasure is a universal racial perk. As such, any character can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation, though it can also be gained at any time like a normal treasure.

The pouch appears from the outside as a simple leather sack, and from the inside as well, capable of holding about a gallon. An Adventure Pouch is effectively infinite, acting as a sort of hammerspace; however, no one person can put more than half their total mass inside the pouch. When the item is drawn back from the pouch, it suddenly grows back to its former size. Naturally, the pouch can only hold items that are capable of fitting though its mouth in their normal size. For reasons only the original inventor might understand, the same individual using multiple pouches ends up having the interior of them both be identical. (For instance, inserting a dagger into one will insert a dagger into both, but drawing a dagger out from one will make it disappear from both.) Because of this factor, owning more than one Adventure Pouch is largely pointless.

Variant: Compaction Bud

An almost identical item, known as the Compaction Bud, can be grown from a plant rather than manufactured. As such, it is an organic item instead of a magical item. Instead of a brown pouch, it appears as a brown flower bud of similar size to the Adventure Pouch. Though its appearance and origin differs, its effect is identical. Kikwis are known to wear these buds upon their backs, though Koroks and Deku Scrubs occasionally make use of them as well.


  • An Outfitter can produce an Adventure Pouch with Compaction Thread.
  • The Smuggling Pocket spell has a similar effect of making an item easier to carry, and also completely hides that item from others, but can only affect one small item.
  • The Adventure Pouch treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Skyward Sword. More information about the canonical version of this treasure can likely be found on Zelda Wiki. Before the advent of that game, this item was known on Hyrule Castle solely as the Compaction Pouch.

Racial Perks
Universal Adventure Pouch · Bonus Treasure · Business · Exception · Rupee Riches · Specialty · Unusual Background3
Hero's Choice Treasures
Power Bomb Bag · Fire Breath · Helm Splitter · Hookshot · Iron Boots · Mirror Shield · Power Beam · Spin Attack
Wisdom Blizzard · Electric Aura · Fire Enchantment · Ice Enchantment · Magic Bolt · Rejuvenation · Sonata of Soothing · Summon Keese
Courage Beetle · Barrier · Boomerang · Hover Boots · Mini Bombs · Needle Storm · Roc's Feather · Song of Healing · Song of Storms
General Adventure Pouch · Bottomless Bottle · Combat Companion · Craft · Deku Nuts · Goron Tunic · Kinstone · Lens of Truth · Mount · Profession · Red Potion · Spark · Zora Tunic