Deku Nut Supply

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Deku Nut Supply
Type Defensive Organic Item
Fields Bomb, Deku, Kokiri, Light, Seed, Sheikah, SingleUse, Stock
Cost 6 or 40 rupees

A Deku Nut appears as a brown nut, about the size of a Hylian's fist, with a golden slit running halfway across its exterior. Throwing one against a hard surface (or otherwise impacting it) will cause the nut to explode, and produce a blinding flash which will temporarily blind or stun almost anyone who sees it.

A Deku Nut Supply costs a set 40 rupees. A supply provides an effectively infinite supply of Deku Nuts. This supply is a racial perk for both Deku Scrubs, Kokiri, and Sheikah. As such, a member of any such race can choose to gain it as a perk upon character creation. If a member of such a race chooses to gain this treasure at some point after creation, it costs 15 rupees less than normal. Other races acquire this treasure normally. Unlike other beings, a Deku Scrub with this treasure can orally produce a Deku Nut via natural means, and then either spit it forth at throwing speed, or drop it onto the ground beneath them.

An individual Deku Nut costs a set 5 rupees, and can only be used once. A skilled botanist is able to use individual Deku Nuts as a material. A botanist can use an individual Deku Nut, or part of a Deku Nut Supply, to create a Deku Baba. Growing a Deku Baba in this way takes at least 24 hours, and the Deku Baba will be tied to the dirt in which it is planted. Using 3 of these nuts, a Botanist can craft a full Deku Nut supply. With 4 of these nuts, a botanist can splice the Deku Nut's flashing effect into a supply of other seeds, fruits, or vegetables. With 5 individual nuts, a botanist can create Deku Baba Potions.


Trap Nut
Illusion, Trap
Normal Cost

C5: 40 rupees
C4: 50 rupees
C3: 60 rupees
C2: 70 rupees
C1: 80 rupees

The user can gain the Trap Nut augment simultaneously with the original treasure for an additional cost, or as a separate treasure at a later time.

With this augment, in place of the normal blinding flash produced by an exploding Deku Nut, you can at-will replace the flash with one of the following four effects:

  • Burrs: Exploding out from the nut are dozens of small seeds with a function similar to caltrops, having at least a single inch-long, sturdy spike pointed upwards no matter how they land. One nut can cover a circular area with a diameter of about 5 square feet (or 1.5 square meters).
  • Haze: A burst of pitch-black smoke floods a small room, or a roughly cubical area about a dozen feet across (or about 3.5 meters across). A Lens of Truth can see through this smoke clearly.
  • Oil: Released from the nut is a large puddle of thin, slick oils which on normal ground are incredibly slippery, forcing almost anyone making contact with the ground to slip. One nut can cover a circular area with a diameter of about 5 square feet (or 1.5 square meters).
  • Sap: Released from the nut is a large puddle of thick, sticky sap which can easily glue one's boots to the ground. Freeing oneself takes considerable effort or time, though any amount of water also nullifies the sticky effect. One nut can cover a circular area with a diameter of about 5 square feet (or 1.5 square meters).


  • The Deku Nut Supply treasure canonically appears in the Zelda series, initially in Ocarina of Time. More information about the canonical version of this treasure can likely be found on Zelda Wiki.
  • The Burrs effect of the Trap Nut augment can be mimicked with normal caltrops, which are a free and mundane item.
  • The Oil effect of the Trap Nut augment can be mimicked with Slicker, or mundane oil.
  • The Sap effect of the Trap Nut augment can be mimicked with Skulltula Paste, or mundane paste.
  • The Haze effect of the Trap Nut augment can be mimicked with Smoke Seeds.

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Racial Perks
Deku Scrub Plant Composition (Innate) · Water Hop (Innate) · Bubble Shot · Deku Leaf · Deku Nut Production · Deku Pirouette · Korok Copter · Nightvision
Kokiri Eternal Youth (Innate) · Deku Nut Supply · Fairy Companion · Heart of the Forest · Language of Fauna · Navigation · Valiance
Sheikah Foreign Language (Innate) · Barrier · Deku Nut Supply · Hylian Heritage · Mask of Truth · Needle Storm · Pirate's Charm
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