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From Hyrule Castle Library
- Actor's Illusion
- Adhesion Coating (material)
- Adventure Pouch
- All-Night Mask
- Alter Shadow
- Amphibious
- Amphibious Vehicle
- Animal Emissary
- Animate Weapon
- Aqua Aura
- Aqua Grenade
- Aquatic Affinity
- Armor Seed (material)
- Armor Seed Supply
- Aroma Ring
- Attitude Ring
- Aversion Pelt (material)
- Backbiter
- Backshift Cape
- Ball and Chain
- Ballad of the Windfish
- Barricade
- Barrier
- Beamos Eye (material)
- Beastly Burrow
- Bee Badge
- Beetle
- Beloved Visage
- Benevolent Grounds
- Bestial Form
- Bind
- Binding Stone (material)
- Black Tunic
- Blade Catcher
- Bladed Healing
- Blast Hex
- Blast Mask
- Blessed Bismuth (material)
- Blessed Boots
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Blue Fire
- Blue Fire Gloves
- Boko Baba Seed (material)
- Boko Baba Seed Supply
- Bolt Ball Rod
- Bomb Arrow
- Bomb Bag
- Bomb Flower
- Bomb Rock (material)
- Bomb Seed (material)
- Bomb Seed Supply
- Bombchu Supply
- Bombling Supply
- Bombos Medallion
- Bombproof Ring
- Bonus Treasure
- Book of Mudora
- Boomerang
- Boomerang Fins
- Botanist
- Bottomless Bottle
- Bouncing Arrows
- Brace
- Breath Seed (material)
- Breath Seed Supply
- Breeze Whisper
- Bubble Shot
- Bunny Hood
- Business
- Call Thunder
- Calm Weather
- Camouflage
- Cane of Byrna
- Cane of Mago
- Cane of Pacci
- Cane of Somaria
- Cane of Stahead
- Cannon
- Cannon Shout
- Captivating Dance
- Capture Staff
- Centaur Speed
- Charmed Speech
- Cheval Rope
- Child of Frost
- Chill Seed (material)
- Chill Seed Supply
- Circle
- Claws
- Clockwork Keese
- Cloud Seed (material)
- Cloud Seed Supply
- Cobra Boots
- Cold Iron (material)
- Combat Companion
- Command Melody
- Commshell
- Compaction Seed (material)
- Compaction Seed Supply
- Compaction Thread (material)
- Compass
- Corruption
- Cowl of Cold
- Crackle Seed (material)
- Crackle Seed Supply
- Crafting
- Craving Powder
- Crimson Granite (material)
- Curse
- Dark Affinity
- Dark Blade
- Dark Dive
- Dark Mirror
- Dark Worlder
- Darknut's Destiny
- Daruk's Protection
- Deku Ironwood (material)
- Deku Leaf
- Deku Nut (material)
- Deku Nut Supply
- Deku Pirouette
- Desenium (material)
- Desert Strike
- Detecting Dust (material)
- Detox
- Din's Burst
- Din's Fire
- Din's Lance
- Din's Power
- Dirge of the Deceased
- Disembodied
- Dissonance
- Distress Bead
- Dodongo Hide (material)
- Dominion Rod
- Don Gero's Mask
- Down to Earth
- Dowsing
- Drift Quill
- Drowse
- Ear of Truth
- Earth Control
- Electric Aura
- Electric Trap
- Elegy of Emptiness
- Elemental Gem (material)
- Ember Seed (material)
- Ember Seed Supply
- Enchanter
- Energy Shake
- Envine
- Epona's Song
- Eruption
- Eternal Youth
- Ether Medallion
- Event Horizon
- Everwood (material)
- Evil Crystals (material)
- Exception
- Expel Glass (material)
- Explosive Heel
- Eyebeam
- Fairy Companion
- Fairy Fountain
- Fairy Glitter
- Fairy Glow
- Fairy Gold
- Fairy Magic
- Fairy Spell
- Fairy Split
- Fairy Tears
- Fairy Tunic
- Falling Star
- False Quill
- False Wall
- Familiar
- Farore's Courage
- Farore's Wind
- Fashion Sense
- Feather Fall
- Fell Transformation
- Filter Lens (material)
- Fire
- Fire Breath
- Fire Control
- Fire Enchantment
- Fire Gloves
- Fire Glyph
- Fire Rod
- Fire Weakness
- Fireshield Earrings
- Flame Aura
- Flame Choke
- Flame Rod
- Flatten
- Flippers
- Float Clay
- Flying Broom
- Foreign Language
- Forest
- Four-Armed
- Foxfire Wisp
- Freezing Footwear
- Frigid Composition
- Frock of Flames
- Fungal Flashwood (material)
- Fusion Dance
- Fusion Earrings
- Gale Aura
- Gale Seed (material)
- Gale Seed Supply
- Gasha Seed (material)
- Gasha Seed Supply
- Gear of Gales
- Gerudo Affinity
- Gerudo Dragon
- Geyser
- Ghastly Doll
- Giant's Mask
- Giant Kikwi
- Gibdo Mask
- Gift of Light
- Gift of Prophecy
- Gilt Glower
- Glacier Rod
- Gleeok Fangs (material)
- Glimmer Gold (material)
- Glossary:Field
- Glossary:Racial Perk
- Glow Iron (material)
- Glow Seed (material)
- Glow Seed Supply
- Gnat Hat
- Golden Aura
- Goron Iron (material)
- Goron Lullaby
- Goron Punch
- Goron Roll
- Goron Tunic
- Gossip Stone
- Gratitude Crystals (material)
- Gravity Disc
- Great Ascension
- Great Flying Machine
- Green Potion
- Grenadier
- Gripskin (material)
- Guardian Acorn
- Guided Bolt
- Gust
- Gust Jar
- Handheld Illusion
- Harden
- Harvest Rings
- Hawk Lens (material)
- Hawkeye
- Hearing Shell
- Heart of Darkness
- Heart of the Forest
- Heightened Hearing
- Helm Splitter
- Hero's Charm
- Hero's Legacy
- Hex
- Hibernation
- Hoarder
- Holy Bolt
- Hookshot
- Horse Call
- Hover
- Hover Boots
- Huge Potential
- Hylian Heritage
- Hyoi Pear Supply
- Hyoi Seed (material)
- Ice
- Ice Aura
- Ice Breath
- Ice Enchantment
- Ice Rod
- Ice Shell
- Ice Shot
- Illumination
- Illusionist
- Illusive Clone
- Illusive Shadow
- Imagiscope
- Impact Coating
- Imprint Crystal
- Infernal Composition
- Infernal Inclination
- Inferno
- Infinite Novel
- Inheritance
- Insightful Navigator
- Intrinsic Enchantment
- Inversion Band
- Iron Boots
- Jabber Nut
- Jewel of Control
- Jinx
- Jump
- Kamaro's Mask
- Key Spell
- Kinstone Collector
- Kinstone Piece
- Korok Copter
- Landmine
- Language of Fauna
- Language of Flora
- Launching Arm
- Leaf Puppet
- Leaf Warp
- Leap
- Lens of Agony (material)
- Lens of Truth
- Life
- Life-Binding Charm
- Light
- Light Enchantment
- Lightning Weave Cloth (material)
- Like-Like Ring
- Litonium (material)
- Loftwing Companion
- Lost and Found
- Lovers' Bond
- Luminous Stone (material)
- Mage's Map
- Magic Bean (material)
- Magic Bean Supply
- Magic Bolt
- Magic Cape
- Magic Dart
- Magic Power
- Magic Proficiency
- Magic Volley
- Magical Rod
- Magma Burst
- Magnet Bomb
- Magnet Boots
- Magnet Gloves
- Main Page
- Major Gain
- Mark